
Today’s ships’ captains face a complex web of international and national environmental regulations, special areas and marine sanctuaries, emission controlled areas and other local directives. Since all the regulations change continuously according to the ship’s position, it has become almost impossible for captains to comply at all times.

In response to this challenge, Marine Position developed its environmental navigation system, the environmental navigator and now sold and marketed as the Uson Clean Pilot by Uson Marine.

The Uson Clean Pilot simplifies compliance

The first system of its type, the Uson Clean pilot greatly simplifies complying with marine waste regulations at sea. Connected to the ship’s GPS, the unit provides an update in real time of the applicable regulations (IMO/MARPOL and most of the regional and local regulations) at the current position. The information is graphically visualized on the bridge or in the engine control room.

The Uson Clean Pilot includes ZET (Zone Entry Time) information for Special Areas (SA), Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSA) and Emission Control Areas (ECA). This is a great function helping the crew to plan and handling the waste in an efficient way and minimises the risk of a faulty discharge.

The system displays information on: bilge water, sewage and grey water, garbage and food waste, incinerator and sulfur emissions, cargo (oil in slop tank through the ODME) and ballast water. It reduces the risk of illegal / faulty discharge and assists in the optimisation of fuel handling (high / low-sulfur).

Features :

  • The Uson Clean Pilot present relevant environmental information in real-time at current position
  • Reducing the risk of illegal / faulty discharge
  • Possibilities to optimise waste handling (ZET)
  • A tool to follow-up on ISO certification
  • Strengthens the environmental position for the company
  • Makes it easier for the crew to handle waste
  • Gives the crew a big advantage at port state control inspections