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  • Ca Ngu Vang (CNV) Oil and Gas Field

    The Ca Ngu Vang (CNV) oil and gas field is located in Block 9-2, in the Cuu Long Basin, southeast of Vung Tau City, offshore Vietnam. The block covers an area of 1,370km².

  • Ca Tam Oil Field

    The Ca Tam oil field, also known as Sturgeon, is located 160km south-east of Vung Tau City, offshore Vietnam.

  • Ca Voi Xanh Field, South China Sea

    Ca Voi Xanh is a natural gas field situated in block 118 of the South China Sea, offshore Vietnam.

  • Cabinda Oil Refinery, Malembo Plain

    Cabinda oil refinery is being constructed on the Malembo plain, Cabinda province in Angola. It will have an installed capacity of 60,000 barrels of crude oil a day.

  • Cachalote Field, Campos Basin

    The Cachalote oil field is located in the Campos Basin in south-eastern Brazil. It is operated by Petrobras.

  • Cadereyta Refinery Reconfiguration, Nuevo León

    Petroblas Mexicanos (Pemex)'s oil refinery expansion in Cadereyta, Mexico, had its official start in April 2002.

  • Cadlao Oil Field Redevelopment Project, Philippines

    The Cadlao oil field, located in the Palawan Basin in Philippines, will be redeveloped after 30 years of being shut down.

  • Caesar Tonga Oil Field

    Caesar Tonga is an oil field located approximately 300km from New Orleans in Louisiana, USA. Anadarko Petroleum is the operator of the Caesar Tonga joint development.

  • Caister Gas Field Decommissioning Project, North Sea

    Chrysaor Production is decommissioning the Caister CM offshore platform located in the Southern North Sea, UK.

  • Caister Murdoch Phase 3

    Conoco planned to embark on the third stage of the development of its Caister Murdoch System (CMS) following the successful completion of a well in March 2001.

  • Calcasieu Pass LNG Export Facility, Louisiana

    The Calcasieu Pass liquefied natural gas export facility in Cameron Parish, Louisiana, US, is being developed by Venture Global Calcasieu Pass, a subsidiary of Venture Global LNG.

  • Calhoun LNG Project, Texas

    LNG is one of the major fuels of the future, and the construction of LNG regasification facilities across the world is increasing.

  • Callater Field, North Sea

    Callater field, formerly known as prospect K, is located in block 09/10b of the UK North Sea, approximately 335km north-east of Aberdeen.

  • Cambay Onshore Field, Gujarat, India

    Synergia Energy plans to farm out 50% interest in the field and begin field development in Q1 2024.

  • Cambo Oil Field

    The Cambo oilfield lies in blocks 204/9 and 204/10, approximately 125km north-west of the Shetland Islands off the shore of the UK.

  • Cameron Highway Oil Transport System

    The Cameron Highway is a deepwater crude oil transport system with a capacity of 600,000bpd. It stands as the longest of

  • Cameron Liquefaction Project, Hackberry, Louisiana

    The Cameron Liquefaction Project involves the construction of additional natural gas liquefaction and export facilities to the existing LNG re-gasification facility at Cameron LNG.

  • Camisea Gas Project and Gas Processing Plant, Peru

    The Camisea gas project is one of the largest energy projects in Peru and is central to the country’s economy. It

  • Canaport LNG Plant, St John, New Brunswick

    Canaport LNG started the construction of a state-of-the-art Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) receiving and regasification ter

  • Cantarell Oilfield, Gulf of Mexico

    The Cantarell field is Pemex Exploración y Producción's heavy oilfield, located 100km off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula in the Gulf of Mexico.

  • Canyon Express Gas Field

    The Canyon Express Project involves the development of three gas fields in the deep Mississippi Canyon, approximately 120 miles south-east of New Orleans.

  • Caofeidian Oil Field Expansion Project, Bohai Bay

    China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) is implementing the comprehensive adjustment project at the Caofeidian 11-1/11-6 oil field located in Bohai Bay off the coast of China.

  • Cape Vulture Oil Field, North Sea

    The Cape Vulture oil field is located in production licence (PL) 128/128D in the northern part of the North Sea, Norway.

  • Captain Field Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Project, North Sea

    The Captain field, an oil and gas field located in the Outer Moray Firth region within the UK side of the North Sea, will undergo the next stage of development to improve oil recovery from the field through the enhanced oil recovery (EOR) stage two project.

  • Carabobo Oil Project

    Carabobo is a massive oil project being developed in Venezuela. The onshore oil field development comprises of seven production blocks on the eastern part of the Orinoco Belt which is believed to contain approximately 513 billion barrels of heavy crude oil.

  • Carcara Discovery, Santos Basin

    Carcara discovery is located in the ultra-deep waters of the BM-S-8 offshore licence, within the pre-salt layers of Brazil's Santos Basin.

  • Cardamom Oil and Gas Field

    The Cardamom oil and gas field is located in Block 427 of the Garden Banks in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). It is 100% owned by Royal Dutch Shell (Shell).

  • Cardiff Biodiesel Refinery, United Kingdom

    One of the biggest developments in the world fuel markets at the current time is the development of biofuels and plants

  • Cardiff Gas Field

    Cardiff field is a gas and condensate field located in the Cheal oil permit area of the Taranaki Basin on the North Island of New Zealand.

  • Caribbean FLNG Project

    The Caribbean floating liquified natural gas (FLNG) project involves the construction of a pipeline between the La Creciente gas field and the Caribbean coast, as well as the development of a liquefaction and regasification barge to deliver LNG to industrial consumers.

  • Carina Aries Natural Gas Production

    The Carina and Aries fields are located in the province Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur

  • Carmon Creek Heavy Oil Project, Alberta

    Carmon Creek project is an in-situ heavy oil project located in Northern Sunrise County, around 40km northeast of the Peace River in Alberta, Canada.

  • Carpinteria Offshore Field Redevelopment Project

    The Carpinteria field lies in the Santa Barbara basin offshore of California, in the Pacific Ocean, US. The redevelopment project will extend the life of the field to 2040.

  • Cartagena Refinery – Refinery Expansion Project, Spain

    Repsol's board of directors has approved investment in the expansion of its refinery in Cartagena. The Spanish oil compa

  • Cascade and Chinook Subsea Development, Gulf of Mexico

    The most significant aspect of Petrobras's Cascade and Chinook development in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) was the company's intent to deploy one of the world's deepest floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) facilities.

  • Caspian Pipeline

    On 22 November 2000, Chevron announced that the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) had completed the laying of a new crude pipeline in Russia.

  • Cassia Compression Project, Offshore Trinidad

    The Cassia Compression project is being developed by BP Trinidad and Tobago as a part of its Area Development plan.

  • Catcher Area Development, Central North Sea

    The Catcher Area Development involves the combined development of the Catcher, Varadero and Burgman fields located on Blocks 28/9a and 28/10c of production license P140 in the UK Central North Sea.

  • Causeway Oil Field, UK

    Causeway oil field is located in blocks 211/22a and 211/23d of production licenses P.201 and P.1383 of the northern North Sea, UK. It lies in a water depth of 492ft.

  • Cedar LNG Project, British Columbia, Canada

    The Cedar LNG project in British Columbia, Canada, is expected to commence operations in late 2028.

  • Central Asia-China Gas Pipeline, Turkmenistan to China

    The 3,666km long Central Asia-China gas pipeline begins at Gedaim, on the Turkmenistan / Uzbekistan border, and ends at Horgos, in the Xinjiang region of China.

  • Central Valley Natural Gas Storage Project, California

    The Central Valley natural gas storage project involved the development of an underground natural gas storage facility in the state of California, US.

  • Chad-Cameroon Pipeline

    In June 2000, the US Export-Import Bank gave preliminary approval to a $300m loan guarantee for a project to develop

  • Champion WaterFlood Project

    The Champion Oil and Gas Field is located 40km north-west of Bandar Seri Begawan, at a water depth of approximately 30m in the South China Sea.

  • Changbei Tight Gas Project, Shaanxi

    Changbei Tight Gas Project includes the development of the Changbei onshore gas field located in the province of Shaanxi in China.

  • Charlie Development, Queensland

    Queensland Gas Company (QGC), a part of BG Group, is executing the Charlie development as part of the continuous development of its operations in the Surat Basin, Queensland, Australia.

  • Chayandinskoye Field, Yakutia

    The Chayandinskoye oil and gas condensate field is located in the Lensk district of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic in Russia.

  • Cheleken Contract Area Development, Caspian Sea

    The Cheleken Contract Area consists of two offshore oil and gas fields, namely Dzheitune (Lam) and Dzhygalybeg (Zhdanov), lying in water depth between 8m and 42m in the eastern section of the Caspian Sea, offshore Turkmenistan.

  • Chestnut Field Decommissioning, North Sea, UK

    The Chestnut oil field, which is operated by Spirit Energy North Sea Oil, will be decommissioned between 2023 and 2028.

  • Cheviot Semi-Submersible Production Platform, North Sea

    Cheviot production platform is a semi-submersible drilling, production and storage facility being fabricated for the development of the Cheviot offshore field.

  • Chevron Pascagoula Refinery, Mississippi

    The Chevron Pascagoula Refinery is one of the top ten refineries in the US, located in Pascagoula, Mississippi. The refinery was commissioned in 1963 with an initial capacity of 100,000bopd.

  • Chevron Richmond Refinery

    The Chevron Richmond refinery is situated 25 miles from San Francisco on 2,900 acres of land. It produces high-quality t

  • Chim Sao Oilfield

    The Chim Sao field is located in blocks 12W and 12E, which lie at a water depth of 377ft, 400km offshore Vietnam.

  • Chinguetti Oil Field

    The Chinguetti field lies off the coast of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, North West Africa, in Block 4, PSC (Produ

  • Christina Lake Project, Alberta

    The Christina Lake project comprises approximately 200km² of oil sands leases in north-east Alberta, Canada.

  • Chuandongbei Project, Sichuan Basin

    Chuandongbei project is an onshore natural gas project developed by Chevron in collaboration with China National Petroleum Corporation.

  • Chukchi Sea Permit, Alaska

    The Chukchi Sea is situated offshore, north-west of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. The sea comes under the Arctic ecosystem, which is not favourable for oil drilling because of its climate, ice-covered sea and risk of an oil spill.

  • Citadel Refinery, Mostorod

    The Mostorod refinery is situated near Cairo and is already one of Egypt's largest refineries, with a throughput of 142,000bpd. As part of an ongoing programme by the Egyptian Government (Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum) to increase the oil-processing capacity of the country, the site is now being developed with a further new refinery being constructed adjacent to it (the Citadel refinery).

  • Cladhan Field Development, Northern North Sea

    Cladhan field is located approximately 100km north-east of the Shetland Islands, UK. It extends across blocks 210/29A and 210/30A of the Northern North Sea, at a water depth of approximately 500ft.

  • Clair Field, Shetlands

    When it was discovered in 1977, the Clair field was the largest discovered but undeveloped hydrocarbon resource on the U

  • Clair Ridge Project, Shetlands

    The Clair Ridge Project is the second-phase development of the Clair field, which is located approximately 75km west of the Shetland Islands in the UK.

  • Cliff Head Field

    Cliff Head oil field is situated 11km off the coast of Western Australia at a water depth of 16m. The field covers 6km

  • Clipper South Gas Field, North Sea

    Clipper South gas field lies in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) of southern North Sea blocks 48/19 and 48/20. The gas field is situated approximately 100km east of the Lincolnshire coast.

  • CLOV Development Project, Block 17, Offshore Angola

    The second phase of the CLOV project was connected to the existing CLOV field in December 2021.

  • Cluden to Brighouse Bay Gas Pipeline, Scotland

    The Cluden to Brighouse Bay pipeline is a high-pressure steel natural gas pipeline developed by Gas Networks Ireland (GNI) subsidiary GNI (UK) in Scotland, UK.

  • Cluster 2 Fields Development, Block KG-DWN-98/2, Bay of Bengal

    The Cluster 2 fields lie in the deepwater KG-DWN-98/2 Block located off the shore of the Godavari Delta on the east coast of India in water depths ranging from 300m to 3,200m.

  • Coal-to-Clean Fuels and Power Project

    The US government has long been looking for an alternative energy source to reduce reliance on the oil producing nations

  • Coastal GasLink Pipeline Project, British Columbia

    Coastal GasLink Pipeline is a proposed natural gas pipeline to be constructed by TransCanada Pipelines from Groundbirch area near Dawson Creek, to the proposed LNG Canada facility on the west coast of British Columbia near Kitimat.

  • Colibri Prospect Development

    United Oil and Gas’ Colibri prospect is located in the Walton Basin of the Walton Morant licence area, offshore Jamaica.

  • Columbus Gas Field

    Columbus is a condensate-rich gas field located primarily in Block 23/16f, which covers an area of approximately 20 square miles (51.8km²) in the central North Sea in water depths of 85m.

  • Commonwealth LNG Terminal, Louisiana, USA

    The Commonwealth liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal is expected to start operations in 2027.

  • Congo LNG Project, Republic of Congo

    The Congo LNG project located offshore Congo entered its commissioning phase in December 2023.

  • Coniston Development Project, Exmouth Basin

    The Coniston Development Project is located in blocks WA-35-L and WA-44-R of Exmouth Basin in offshore north-west Australia, in water depths ranging between 40m and 400m.

  • Connecticut / New Jersey Hubline

    The Hubline / East to West Expansion Project includes expansion of an interstate natural gas pipeline passing through

  • Conoco and Chevron gas field project

    The Britannia field, discovered in the mid 1970s, is the first in the UK sector of the North Sea to be operated jointly

  • Constitution / Ticonderoga Field

    Kerr McGee's Constitution field is located in Green Canyon blocks 679 and 680, approximately 190 miles southwest of New

  • Constitution Natural Gas Pipeline, Pennsylvania

    Constitution Pipeline plans to start construction on a new natural gas transmission pipeline for delivering natural gas from Marcellus supply region in northern Pennsylvania to the New England and New York markets.

  • Contract Area 4 Development, Gulf of Mexico

    Contract Area 4 includes two oil and gas fields, Ichalkil and Pokoch, located in water depths ranging between 30m and 45m in the Bay of Campeche, Gulf of Mexico, Mexico.

  • Conwy Field, East Irish Sea

    The Conwy field, comprising Conwy and Corfe accumulations, is located in 110/12a in water depths of 33m in the East Irish Sea.

  • Cook Oil Field Project, North Sea Central

    The Cook Field comprises an oil trap in a simple domal structure, formed by salt at depth.

  • Cooper Oil Exploitation Project, Queensland

    The Cooper oil exploitation programme is an early-stage exploitation strategy to improve the recovery of undeveloped oil

  • Coral Field, Area 4, Rovuma Basin

    The Coral natural gas field located in Area 4, offshore Mozambique, is being developed by Eni as the operator.

  • Coral South FLNG Project, Rovuma Basin

    The Coral South FLNG Project involves the development of the Coral Sul floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility in the Coral South field in Area 4 in the Rovuma Basin off the coast of Mozambique.

  • Core Gas Project, Southern UK North Sea

    The Core Project involves the development of reserves across six gas fields located in the UK sector of the Southern North Sea.

  • Cormorant East

    The Cormorant East oil field, originally known as the Contender Prospect, is located in the southern part of the block 211/22a in the UK northern North Sea.

  • Corpus Christi LNG Export Terminal, Texas

    Cheniere Energy subsidiary Corpus Christi Liquefaction commenced production at the Corpus Christi LNG (CCL) plant in November 2018.

  • Corrib Gas Field

    The Corrib field is a Triassic gas development in the Atlantic Ocean, situated off the coast of Ireland.

  • Corvina Oil and Gas Field, Block Z-1, Peru

    Corvina is a shallow water oil and gas field located in Block Z-1, which is a coastal offshore area covering approximately 2,246km² at the southern end of the Gulf of Guayaquil.

  • Coryton Refinery

    The Coryton crude oil refinery is located in Essex on the Thames Estuary, southeast UK. It is spread over 586 acres and has a total throughput capacity of 220,000 barrels a day (bpd).

  • Cosmopolitan Oil and Gas Field, Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, US

    Cosmopolitan oil and gas field is located in the southern part of the Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, US, in close proximity to the shoreline at Anchor Point on the Kenai Peninsula.

  • Costa Norte LNG Terminal, Colon

    The Costa Norte liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification terminal is being constructed by AES Colon and Inversiones Bahía in Colon, Panama.

  • Cottonwood Field

    The Cottonwood field is located in the Garden Banks quadrant, block 244, in the US sector of the Gulf of Mexico. The fie

  • CP2 LNG Export Terminal, Louisiana, USA

    The CP2 liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal being developed in Louisiana, US, will start commercial operations in 2026.

  • Crude Oil Pipeline Project, East Africa

    The 1,445km East African crude oil export (EACOP) pipeline is being constructed between Kabaale in the Hoima District of Uganda and Chongoleani in Tanga, Tanzania.

  • Crux Project, Australia

    The Crux project is located in the Commonwealth waters in the northern Browse Basin offshore Australia.

  • Cuica Oil Field, Offshore Angola

    The Cuica oil field lies at a water depth of 500m within the Cabaca development area near the East Hub development project.

  • Culzean Gas Condensate Field, North Sea

    Culzean is a high-pressure / high-temperature (HP/HT) gas condensate field located in Block 22/25a (License P111) of the UK continental shelf (UKCS), approximately 233.35km east of Aberdeen, in 90m of water.

  • Curlew Oil And Gas Field Project

    the Curlew field is located in the Central North Sea, 210km east of Aberdeen, UK, in block 29 / 07. It consists of two a

  • Cygnus Gas Field, UK Continental Shelf, North Sea

    The Cygnus gas field is situated within UK Continental Shelf blocks 44/12a and 44/11a in 23m of water.

  • Cypre Gas Project, Trinidad and Tobago

    The Cypre gas project is expected to start production in 2025 with an estimated capacity of 250 to 300 million metric standard cubic feet a day of gas.


  • Dabhol LNG Terminal

    Ratnagiri Gas and Power (RGP) is building India's third LNG import and re-gasification terminal at Dabhol in Maharashtr

  • Dai Hung Field Gas and Oil Offshore Project

    The Dai Hung oilfield lies at a water depth of 361ft offshore Vietnam.

  • Dakota Access Pipeline Project

    The Dakota Access Pipeline project is a proposed 1,168mi (1,880km) long, 30in diameter pipeline proposed to be built by Dakota Access, a subsidiary of Energy Transfer Crude Oil Company.

  • Dakota Prairie Refinery, Stark County, North Dakota

    Dakota Prairie Refinery, the second refinery in the state of North Dakota, broke ground in March 2013 and was opened in May 2015.

  • Dalia Field

    Dalia was discovered in 1997, 135km offshore in water depths of between 1,200m and 1,500m. The launch of Dalia, which ca

  • Dalma Gas Field, Abu Dhabi

    Dalma gas field is an ultra-sour gas field located in shallow waters of the Persian Gulf offshore Abu Dhabi, UAE.

  • Dalmatian Oil and Gas Field, Gulf of Mexico

    Dalmatian oil and gas field is located on the DeSoto Canyon blocks 4, 48 and 134 in the Gulf of Mexico, US.

  • Damar Gas Field

    Damar gas field is located in Block PM303 and 200km off the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, at a water depth of about 55m.

  • Dangote Refinery, Lagos

    Dangote Oil Refinery Company (Dangote) is constructing an integrated refinery and petrochemical complex in the Lekki Free Zone near Lagos, Nigeria.

  • Darwin LNG Project, Darwin Harbour

    Bayu-Undan, in the Timor Sea, has estimated gas reserves of 3.4 trillion cubic feet. Processing of this natural gas take

  • Davis Refinery, North Dakota

    Meridian Energy Group is developing a state-of-the art greenfield refinery between Fryburg and Belfield in North Dakota, US, approximately three miles (4.8km) east of Theodore Roosevelt National Park.

  • Deep Panuke Gas Field

    The Deep Panuke gas field is located 250km south-east of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

  • Deimos Offshore Field, Mexico and US

    The 3,000ft-deep Deimos offshore field is located in the Mississippi Canyon Blocks 762 and 806, adjacent to the Mars production unit in the Gulf of Mexico.

  • Delfin Floating LNG Project, Gulf of Mexico

    Fairwood Group subsidiary Delfin LNG is developing a deepwater port and floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) export project in Cameron Parish, Louisiana, US.

  • Delta 2

    Delta 2 is a small field developed near the Oseberg oil and gas field located around 130km west of Bergen, Norway, in the northern part of the Norwegian North Sea.

  • Delta House Field Development, Gulf of Mexico

    Delta House Field Development primarily involved the installation of a floating production system (FPS) at a water depth of 4,500ft in the Mississippi Canyon (MC) 254 field in the US Gulf of Mexico.

  • Dempsey Gas Project, Sacramento Gas Basin, California

    Dempsey is a conventional gas field located in the Northern Sacramento gas basin in California, US.

  • Detroit Heavy Oil Upgrade Project

    Detroit Heavy Oil Upgrade Project was launched by Marathon Petroleum Company in June 2008 to upgrade its refinery in Detroit, US. It is the only refinery located in the Michigan region.

  • Devenick Gas Field, UK

    Devenick gas field is situated in Blocks 9/29a and 9/24b of the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) in the central North Sea, in water depths of 116m.

  • Devil Creek Development Project (DCDP)

    In early 2008, Apache Energy and its joint venture partner Santos announced the go-ahead for the Devil Creek development project (DCDP).

  • Devil’s Tower Gas Field, Gulf of Mexico

    Devil's Tower field is located 140 miles south-east of New Orleans, at the Mississippi Canyon block 773 in 5,610ft of wa

  • Diamond Pipeline

    The Diamond Pipeline project is a new 440mi (714.5km)-long 20in diameter pipeline proposed by Diamond Pipeline LLC, a joint venture between Plains All American Pipeline and Valero.

  • Didon Field, Gulf of Gabes

    The Didon crude oilfield is situated 75km offshore Tunisia in the Gulf of Gabes of the Mediterranean Sea. It lies in a

  • Dirok Gas Field, Assam

    Dirok gas field is located in block AAP-ON-94/1 B in the Tinsukia District of Assam, India, and lies in close proximity to Digboi.

  • Discovery LNG, Campbell River, British Columbia

    The Discovery liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility is planned to be constructed north of the Campbell River, British Columbia, by Quicksilver Resources Canada, a subsidiary of Quicksilver Resources.

  • Disouq Development Project

    Disouq concession is located in the gas rich Nile Delta region of Egypt. It is 100% owned and operated by RWE Dea.

  • Dolginskoye Oil Field

    The Dolginskoye oil field, located on the shelf of the Pechora Sea, is expected to be commissioned in 2031.

  • Dolphin Gas Project, Khuff Zone, Qatar

    The Dolphin gas project is located in the Khuff Zone of the Qatari North Field, about 80km offshore Qatar. The field is

  • Dolphin Gas Project, Ras Laffan

    The Dolphin Gas Project is one of the largest trans-border energy projects ever undertaken in the Middle East. The proje

  • Dominion Cove Point Liquefaction Project, Chesapeake Bay

    Dominion received approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to proceed with its Cove Point Liquefaction Project in September 2014.

  • Dongfang 13-2 Gas Fields Development

    The Dongfang 13-2 gas fields development project involves the development of high-pressure and high-temperature gas fields located in the South China Sea.

  • Donggi-Senoro LNG Project

    The Donggi-Senoro LNG project involved the construction of a natural gas liquefaction plant near Luwuk in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.

  • Dorado Oil and Gas Discovery

    The Dorado oil and gas discovery is located in the WA-437-P exploration permit in the Commonwealth waters offshore Australia.

  • Double E Pipeline Project

    The Double E Pipeline Project involves the construction of a natural gas pipeline within the states of New Mexico and Texas in the US.

  • Dougga Gas Condensate Discovery

    The Dougga gas condensate field is located in the Sicily channel in the Gulf of Hammamet offshore Tunisia in a water depth of 328m.

  • Dover Commercial Oil Sands Project, Alberta

    Dover commercial oil sands project is located approximately 95km northwest of Fort McMurray in the regional municipality of Wood Buffalo in Alberta, Canada.

  • Dover Oil Project, Gulf of Mexico, USA

    The Dover oil project, being developed by Shell in the US Gulf of Mexico, is expected to start production by 2025.

  • Dragon LNG Terminal

    Dragon LNG Ltd has developed an LNG import, storage and regasification terminal in Waterston, Milford Haven, Wales on th

  • Draugen Oil Field, North Sea

    The Draugen oil field, located in the southern part of the Norwegian Sea, is operated by OKEA.

  • Driftwood LNG Export Project, Louisiana

    The Driftwood LNG export project is a proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) production and export terminal on the west bank of the Calcasieu River near Lake Charles, Louisiana on the Gulf Coast of the US.

  • Droshky Field, Gulf of Mexico

    Droshky Field lies in Green Canyon Block 244 in the Gulf of Mexico. The deepwater oil and natural gas field was earlier

  • Druid Prospect, Southern Porcupine Basin

    Druid prospect lies in the Frontier Exploration Licence (FEL) 2/14 of the Southern Porcupine Basin offshore Ireland in water depths of approximately 2,250m.

  • Dugong Oil Field, North Sea

    The Dugong field, located in Production Licence 882 in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea, is undergoing exploration and development. The Dugong discovery was one of the largest discoveries in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea in 2020.

  • Dung Quat, Oil Refinery No.1

    Dung Quat refinery (oil refinery no.1 - the first oil refinery in Vietnam) was planned in January 1998.

  • Dunga Oil Field

    Dunga oil field is located approximately 50km north of Aktau city in western Kazakhstan. It is owned by Total (formerly Maersk Oil, 60%), Oman Oil Company (20%), and Partex Oil and Gas (10%).

  • Dunkirk LNG Terminal

    The Dunkirk LNG terminal in France is owned and operated by Dunkerque LNG, an EDF subsidiary.

  • Dunlin Cluster Decommissioning, East Shetland Basin, North Sea

    The Dunlin cluster of fields lies in the East Shetland Basin, 500km north-northeast of Aberdeen.

  • Duqm Refinery

    The Duqm Refinery is proposed to be constructed at the Special Economic Zone of Duqm (SEZD), approximately 600km south of Muscat, Oman. It will have a crude oil processing capacity of 230,000 barrels a day.

  • Duri Field Expansion, Sumatra

    Duri oil field is approximately 18km long and 18km wide. It is located in the Riau Province, in the South Sumatra Basin on the eastern coast of Sumatra, Indonesia.

  • Duva Oil and Gas Field

    Duva oil and gas field (formerly Cara) is located in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea in 360m of water.

  • Dvalin Gas Field, Norwegian Sea, Norway

    The Dvalin gas field is located in production licence 435 in the central part of the Norwegian Sea.

  • Dvalin North Gas Field Development, Norway

    Dvalin North gas field, located offshore the Norwegian sea, is expected to start production in 2026.

  • Dzhubga – Lazarevskoye – Sochi Gas Pipeline, Black Sea

    The 177km-long Dzhubga - Lazarevskoye - Sochi gas pipeline, which was built by Gazprom, was commissioned in June 2011.

  • Dzuarikau – Tskhinvali Gas Pipeline, Russia

    The 169km Dzuarikau - Tskhinvali pipeline is one of the highest in the world, having been built in highlands of more than 1,500m in height.



  • F3-FA Gas Field, North Sea

    The F3-FA gas field is located approximately 240km north of Den Helder, at a water depth of approximately 40m, within the Dutch sector of the North Sea.

  • Fadhili Gas Plant, Jubail

    The Fadhili gas plant is a greenfield development to be constructed 30km west of Jubail in Saudi Arabia’s eastern province.

  • Farzad B Gas Project, Persian Gulf, Iran

    Farzad B is a gas and condensate field located at water depths ranging from 20m to 90m within the Farsi block in the Persian Gulf, offshore Iran.

  • Fenix Gas Field Development, Argentina

    Fenix gas field, located off the coast of southern Argentina, is expected to start production by 2025.

  • Fenja Field, North Sea, Norway

    The Fenja oil and gas field, previously known as Pil & Bue development, includes the Pil and Bue oil discoveries in production licence PL586, located in blocks 6406 / 11 and 12 of the Norwegian North Sea.

  • Fenris Gas and Condensate Field, North Sea, Norway

    The Fenris gas and condensate field located offshore the Norwegian North Sea is expected to start production in 2027.

  • Fergana Refinery Modernisation

    The Fergana oil refinery, one of the biggest hydrocarbon processing facilities in Uzbekistan, is undergoing modernisation to boost the yields of oil products and comply with current European fuel-quality standards.

  • Finlaggan Gas Condensate Field, North Sea

    The Finlaggan gas condensate field is located in the Block 21/05c of the P2013 licence of the UK continental shelf (UKCS) in the central North Sea.

  • Flanagan South Pipeline, Illinois to Oklahoma

    The Flanagan South Pipeline is a new interstate crude oil petroleum pipeline being developed by Canadian energy company Enbridge, in the US.

  • Fletcher Finucane Oil Project, Carnarvon Basin

    Fletcher Finucane oil project lies within block WA-191-P in the Carnarvon Basin, offshore of Western Australia. The project involves the development of two oil fields - Fletcher and Finucane South. The fields lie in a water depth of 160m and are estimated to contain recoverable oil reserves of around 14 million barrels.

  • Floatel Superior, Atlantic Ocean

    Floatel Superior is a DNV-classified semi-submersible accommodation and construction support vessel. Owned by Floatel

  • Flyndre/Cawdor Oil Fields Development, North Sea

    Flyndre and Cawdor offshore oil fields are located 293km south-east of Aberdeen in blocks 30/13 and 30/14 of the UK North Sea, and block 1/5 of the North Sea in Norway.

  • Fogelberg Gas and Condensate Field Development, Norwegian Sea

    Fogelberg Gas and Condensate Field is located in blocks 6506/9 and 6506/12 in the southern part of the Norwegian Sea on the Norwegian continental shelf.

  • Foinaven BP Oil Field, Shetland Islands

    The Foinaven oilfield is located in blocks 204 / 19 and 204 / 24a, which are operated by BP Exploration. Shell UK Explor

  • Fort Hills Oil Sands Project, Calgary, Alberta

    The Fort Hills project is an integrated oil sands project that includes a mine that was approved in 2002 by Alberta Environment and the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, as well as a bitumen extraction facility, situated 90mi north of Fort McMurray in Alberta (Athabasca oil sands region), Canada.

  • Fort Hills Oil Sands Project, Calgary, Alberta

    The Fort Hills project is an integrated oil sands project that includes a mine that was approved in 2002 by Alberta Environment and the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, as well as a bitumen extraction facility, situated 90mi north of Fort McMurray in Alberta (Athabasca oil sands region), Canada.

  • Fort Nelson Carbon Capture and Storage Project, British Columbia

    The Fort Nelson Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Feasibility Project is the result of an international collaboration between industry, Natural Resources Canada, the US Department of Energy, the province of British Columbia, University of Victoria, and a multidisciplinary technical team led by Spectra Energy in partnership with the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR).

  • Forties Oil Field, North Sea

    The Forties oil field, located 110 miles (177km) offshore Aberdeen within the UK production block 21/10 at a water depth of 106m, is considered to be the oldest and the biggest oil field in the UK North Sea.

  • Forties Oilfield – a timeline

    Forties Oilfield, located in the UK Licence Block 21/10, approximately 140 miles north-east of Aberdeen in the UK sector of the North Sea, was discovered by British Petroleum (BP) in October 1970.

  • Fortuna FLNG, Block R

    Fortuna floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) project includes the development of the Fortuna field using a leased floating liquefaction storage and offloading (FLSO) vessel.

  • Fos Cavaou LNG Terminal, Fos-sur-Mer

    Fos Cavaou liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal is located at Fos-sur-Mer near the Cavaou peninsula in southern France.

  • Frade Field Gas and Oil Project, Campos Basin

    The Frade field is located 370km off of the coast of Rio de Janeiro in the Northern Campos Basin, Brazil. The heavy oil and gas field lies at a water depth of 1,128m.

  • Fram Field Extension Project, North Sea

    The Fram oil and gas field is situated within block 35/11 of production licence 090 (PL090) in the northern region of the Norwegian North Sea.

  • Fram Gas and Gas Condensate Field, North Sea

    The Fram gas and condensate field is located in 100m of water, 221km east of Aberdeen, in the central North Sea, UK.

  • Freeport Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Terminal

    Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is becoming increasingly important as a prime energy source for both commercial and domestic

  • Freeport LNG’s Liquefaction Project, Texas

    Freeport LNG is expanding its existing LNG regasification terminal at Freeport, Texas, US, by adding liquefaction facilities.

  • Frigg Field

    The Frigg field is located 230km north-west of Stavanger between the continental shelves of the UK and Norwegian borders

  • Frosk Oil Field Development, Central North Sea, Norway

    The Frosk field located in the Alvheim area of Norway's North Sea came on stream in March 2023.

  • Fulla Field Development, North Sea, Norway

    The Fulla field, located in the Norwegian Continental Shelf, is planned to be developed as part of the Yggdrasil project.

  • Fulmar Field Decommissioning, North Sea, UK

    The plug and abandonment work at the Fulmar field is expected to commence by early 2025.

  • Fyne Oil Field, North Sea

    The Fyne oil field is located in Block 21/28a, within the P077 licence, at a water depth of about 90m in the Central North Sea, UK.


  • Gajah Baru Field

    The Gajah Baru gas field is situated in Block A in the West Natuna Sea, Indonesia. The field lies at a water depth of

  • Galata Gas Field, Bulgaria

    The Galata Project, situated about 20km from the eastern port of Varna, is being developed by Melrose Resources. The Gal

  • Galkynysh Gas Field

    Galkynysh Gas Field (formerly South Yoloten), discovered in 2006, is a name assigned to a cluster of gas fields: South Iolotan, Osman, Minara and Yashlar.

  • Galoc Oil Field

    The Galoc oil field is situated 60km north-west of Palawan in the Department of Energy (DOE) service contract SC14-C. Th

  • Gannet Oil and Gas Field Project

    Since the original field was first discovered in 1973, a number of satellite fields have been tied into the Gannet facilities. In mid-1999, the latest phase saw Gannet G going into production with a £40m project.

  • Garantiana Oil Field, North Sea

    Garantiana oil field is located in Production License (PL) 554 of the Norwegian North Sea in 384m of water.

  • Garraf Oil Field, Thi Qar Province

    Garraf oil field is located in the province of Thi Qar, approximately five kilometres north-west of Al-Refaei city and 85km north of the city of Nasiriya.

  • Gas Interconnection Bulgaria – Serbia (IBS) Pipeline

    Gas Interconnection Bulgaria - Serbia (IBS) is a project which includes the construction of a 150km long pipeline which will connect the gas transmission networks of the two countries. The pipeline will run between Nis in Serbia to Dupnitsa.

  • Gas Interconnection Poland–Lithuania

    Gas Interconnection Poland-Lithuania (GIPL) is a proposed cross-border natural gas pipeline that will connect gas transmission systems of Poland and Lithuania.

  • Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB) Pipeline

    Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB) is a trans-boundary pipeline project involving the construction of a 182km-long natural gas pipeline between Greece and Bulgaria.

  • Gas to the West Project

    Gas to the West project is a £250m infrastructure project currently being undertaken in Northern Ireland (NI).

  • Gasco Integrated Gas Development Project

    The Abu Dhabi Gas Industries (GASCO) Integrated Gas Development (IGD) project aims to develop onshore and offshore gas processing facilities in Habshan and Ruwais, Abu Dhabi.

  • Gate LNG Terminal

    Gate (Gas Access to Europe) Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal is located in Maasvlakte in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The terminal was completed in June 2011.

  • Gateway Gas Storage Facility

    The Gateway Gas Storage Company (Gateway) is developing an underground natural gas storage facility, Gateway Gas Storage

  • Gato do Mato Oil and Gas Field, Santos Basin, Brazil

    Gato do Mato is planned to be developed using ten development wells, which will be tied back to an FPSO.

  • Gaupe Field, Production Licence 292, North Sea

    Gaupe oil and gas field is located in Blocks 6/3 and 15/12 of production licence 292 in the North Sea, Norway. It lies 225km away from the Norwegian coast.

  • Gaz de France LNG Terminal

    Gaz de France is one of the largest suppliers of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in France. The company has two large LNG te

  • Gaza Marine Gas Field

    Gaza Marine gas field is located 30km off the coast of the Gaza Strip, in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. It lies at a water depth of 603m.

  • Gazelle Field

    The Gazelle oil and gas field is located in Block CI-202, approximately 30km south-east of Abidjan, at water depths ranging between 30m and 50m in the offshore Ivorian Basin.

  • Gazelle Natural Gas Pipeline, Czech Republic

    Net4gas, an independent natural gas transporter, began construction of the 169km Gazelle gas pipeline in the Czech Republic in October 2010.

  • Geelong Energy Hub Project

    The Geelong Energy Hub project will transform the existing Geelong refinery site located at the Port of Geelong in the Geelong city in Victoria, Australia into an energy hub by adding various units.

  • Genesis Oil Field Project, Gulf of Mexico

    The Genesis field is located 150 miles south of New Orleans, across the three Green Canyon blocks 160, 161 and 205.

  • Genghis Khan Development

    In October 2007, BHP Billiton brought its Genghis Khan development into production. The field is located in the deepwate

  • Ghasha Ultra-sour Gas Project, Abu Dhabi

    The Ghasha ultra-sour gas project is located on the north-western shore of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

  • Ghawar Oil Field

    The Ghawar oilfield, located about 100km southwest of Dhahran in the Al Hasa Province of Saudi Arabia, is the world’s biggest conventional oil field both by oil reserves and production.

  • Gill Ranch Gas Storage Project, California

    The Gill Ranch Gas Storage project, located 20 miles west of Fresno, California, US, was developed by Gill Ranch Storage

  • Gimboa Field

    The Gimboa field lies in block 4/05, approximately 85km off the Angola coast, in 700m (2,296ft) of water. The field is operated by Sonangol.

  • Gina Krog (formerly Dagny) Oil and Gas Field, North Sea

    Dagny oil and gas field is located in Blocks 15/5 and 15/6 of production licenses (PL) 303, PL 048, PL 029 and PL 029B of the North Sea, Norway.

  • Girassol FPSO, Luanda, Angola

    Girassol is one of the four major production hubs of Block 17, which is operated by TotalEnergies.

  • Gjøa Field, North Sea Northern

    StatoilHydro's Gjøa field lies in blocks 35 / 9 and 36 / 7 of the North Sea. The field was proven in 1989 and its

  • Gjoa Field P1 Development, North Sea

    The Gjoa field P1 development aims to access the untapped reserves of the Gjoa producing oil and gas field located in the North Sea off the coast of Norway. The project is being developed by Neptune Energy (operator, 30%), Petoro (30%), Wintershall Dea Norge (28%), and OKEA (12%).

  • Gladstone Liquefied Natural Gas Project

    The Gladstone liquefied natural gas (GLNG) project on Gladstone Island in Queensland, Australia, is the world's first unconventional gas processing plant.

  • Glenaras Gas Project, Queensland

    Glenaras gas field is located in the ATP 2019 permit of the Galilee Basin in central Queensland, Australia.

  • Glenlivet Gas Field

    Glenlivet gas field is located along the Atlantic Margin, 90km north-west of the Shetland Islands, UK.

  • Glider, Gulf of Mexico

    The Glider field is located in Green Canyon Block 248 in the Gulf of Mexico, approximately 165 miles south-southwest of

  • Glitne

    Glitne lies in block 15/5 and 15/6 in the Sleipner area of the Norwegian sector of the North Sea about 40km north-west of the Sleipner East development.

  • GNL Del Plata Project, Port of Montevideo

    An important infrastructure project for Uruguay's energy sector, GNL del Plata Project consists of an offshore terminal and the world's biggest floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU).

  • Gohta Oil and Gas Discovery, Barents Sea

    Gohta oil and gas discovery is located in production license PL492 of the Barents Sea, Norway, at a water depth of 342m.

  • Goldboro LNG Project, Nova Scotia

    Pieridae Energy, an energy infrastructure development company based in Canada, is developing the Goldboro LNG project, which will include liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants and facilities for LNG storage and export.

  • Golden Beach Gas Field

    Golden Beach gas field lies at a water depth between 18m and 20m in the Gippsland Basin, offshore Australia.

  • Golden Eagle Development Area Project

    Nexen Petroleum's Golden Eagle Area Development (GEAD) project includes the development of the Golden Eagle and Peregrine (formerly Pink) fields in blocks 20/1, 20/1N and 14/26a of the North Sea, approximately 110km north-east of Aberdeen, UK.

  • Golden Pass LNG Project, Sabine Pass, Texas

    Golden Pass LNG developed a liquefied natural gas (LNG) receiving terminal located near Sabine Pass, Texas, and an associated pipeline connecting to existing US pipeline infrastructure.

  • Golden Pass Products Project, Sabine Pass, Texas

    Golden Pass plans to expand its existing LNG import terminal in Sabine Pass, Texas, US, by adding export capabilities, liquefaction facilities, pipeline systems and upgrades to the existing terminal.

  • Goldeneye Gas Field Decommissioning, Central North Sea

    The Goldeneye gas condensate field in the central North Sea will be decommissioned in four phases.

  • Goldeneye Gas Platform

    Goldeneye is located 100km northeast of St Fergus. It was discovered in October 1996 with the drilling of well 14/29a-3

  • Goliat Oil and Gas Field, Barents Sea

    The Goliat oil and gas field, located in the production licence (PL) 229 in the Barents Sea, north of Russia and Norway, is the first oil reservoir to start production in the area.

  • Gorgon Gas Fields, Northern Carnarvon Basin

    The Gorgon gas fields are located offshore Western Australia, approximately 60km from Barrow Island and 200km west of Dampier.

  • Gorgon LNG Project

    The A$54bn Gorgon liquefied natural gas (LNG) project is located in Western Australia (WA). It is the country’s most prominent single resource natural gas project and features among the largest natural gas projects in the world.

  • Gorgon Stage Two Development Project

    Gorgon Stage Two (GS2) development project is a proposed expansion of the Gorgon liquified natural gas (LNG) project, located approximately 130km off the north-west coast of Western Australia, at a water depth of around 200m to 1,300m.

  • Grain LNG Terminal Expansion, Kent

    The Grain LNG Terminal is situated on the Isle of Grain on the River Medway, Kent, 30km east of London. The facility beg

  • Grand Rapids Oil Sands Project

    The Pelican Lake Grand Rapids Project, proposed to be developed by Canadian oil company Cenovus Energy, involves the development of Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) operation adjacent to its Pelican Lake heavy oil operation about 300km north of Edmonton, Alberta.

  • Grasel Oil Field Development, North Sea

    Grasel oil field is located within the Skarv area above the Skarv reservoir, approximately 210km offshore Sandnessjøen on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) in North Sea, Norway.

  • Greater Angostura Field Phase III

    The Greater Angostura field lies in block 2C, approximately 38km off the north-east coast of Trinidad, at a water depth from 120ft to 200ft.

  • Greater Angostura, Eastern Venezuela Basin

    The Greater Angostura field is located in 36-46m of water on the continental shelf, 37km east of the Republic of Trinida

  • Greater Bongkot South (GBS) Gas and Condensate Field

    Greater Bongkot South (GBS) is a gas and condensate field located about 200km east of Songkhla in the Gulf of Thailand.

  • Greater Enfield Development (GED) Project

    The Greater Enfield Development (GED) Project involves the development of the Laverda Canyon, Norton over Laverda, and Cimatti (WA-28-L) oil accumulations in Australia.

  • Greater Mooses Tooth Unit Development Project, Alaska

    Greater Mooses Tooth (GMT) Unit Development is a US-based proposed project to develop and produce petroleum resources within the Greater Mooses Tooth area of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPR-A).

  • Greater Plutonio Development, Block 18, Offshore Angola

    The Greater Plutonio development, comprising the Galio, Cromio, Paladio, Plutonio and Cobalto fields, lies in 1,200m to 1,600m deep water, approximately 160km north-west of Luanda in the Block 18 concession, offshore Angola.

  • Greater Stella Area Development, North Sea

    Greater Stella Area, which is located within the UK continental shelf in blocks 29/10a and 30/6a, is being developed by Ithaca Energy as the operator.

  • Greater Tortue Ahmeyim (GTA) LNG Project, Mauritania and Senegal

    The Greater Tortue Ahmeyim LNG project involves one of the deepest subsea developments in Africa.

  • Greater Western Flank Phase 2, North West Shelf

    The Greater Western Flank Phase 2 development, located off the north-west coast of Western Australia, is the fourth major gas development for the North West Shelf project in the past seven years.

  • Greater Western Flank Phase I, North West Shelf

    Phase I of the Greater Western Flank (GWF) development project in Australia was sanctioned by the North West Shelf Venture (NWSV) partners in December 2011.

  • Grevling Oil Field, North Sea

    Grevling oil field is located at a water depth of 90m in PL 038D licence area, approximately 15km south of the Sleipner Ost field in the central North Sea.

  • Grove Gas Field, UK North Sea

    Grove gas field is located in the Greater Markham Area (GMA) on the UK Continental Shelf close to the median line of the UK and Netherlands in the North Sea.

  • Grupa Lotos Effective Refining (EFRA) Project, Gdansk

    Grupa Lotos initiated the Effective Refining (EFRA) project at the Gdańsk refinery in Poland in 2015, in association with its partner Lotos Asfalt.

  • Grupa Lotos Refinery Upgrade

    Grupa Lotos is a Polish oil company based in Gdansk. The company is engaged in the refining of crude oil and its convers

  • Guangdong Liquefied Natural Gas and Trunkline Project, Phase I

    Phase I of the Guangdong Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Trunkline Project involved the construction of China's first LNG terminal and associated high-pressure gas pipelines to supply Guangdong Province with LNG.

  • Guendalina Gas Field

    The Guendalina Gas Field is operated by Eni, which has an 80% interest, and Mediterranean Oil & Gas (MOG), which hol

  • Gulf LNG Project

    Gulf LNG project includes the development of the onshore Elk and Antelope gas and condensate fields in the Gulf Province of Papua New Guinea.

  • Gulfstream Natural Gas Pipeline

    Gulfstream is a high pressure natural gas pipeline system that carries gas from the Mobile Bay area of the US Gulf of Mexico (USGoM) to Florida for distribution.

  • Gullfaks oil field project, North Sea Northern

    Gullfaks South, Rimfaks and Gullveig lie in block 34 / 10, in a water depth of 135m. The Gullfaks Satellites produces ar

  • Gullfaks Rimfak Valley, Tampen Area

    Gullfaks Rimfaks Valley is a Statoil-operated asset located near Rimfaks and Gullfaks South in the Tampen area in the North Sea.

  • Gumusut-Kakap Deepwater Oil and Gas Project

    The Gumusut-Kakap project includes the joint development of two ultra-deep water discoveries, Gumusut and Kakap.

  • Gunflint Oil Field, Gulf of Mexico

    Gunflint oil field lies in Mississippi Canyon Blocks 948, 949, 992(N/2) and 993(N/2), 90mi (144km) south off the coas