All Projects





  • Ca Ngu Vang (CNV) Oil and Gas Field

    The Ca Ngu Vang (CNV) oil and gas field is located in Block 9-2, in the Cuu Long Basin, southeast of Vung Tau City, offshore Vietnam. The block covers an area of 1,370km².

  • Ca Tam Oil Field

    The Ca Tam oil field, also known as Sturgeon, is located 160km south-east of Vung Tau City, offshore Vietnam.

  • Ca Voi Xanh Field, South China Sea

    Ca Voi Xanh is a natural gas field situated in block 118 of the South China Sea, offshore Vietnam.

  • Cachalote Field, Campos Basin

    The Cachalote oil field is located in the Campos Basin in south-eastern Brazil. It is operated by Petrobras.

  • Cadlao Oil Field Redevelopment Project, Philippines

    The Cadlao oil field, located in the Palawan Basin in Philippines, will be redeveloped after 30 years of being shut down.

  • Caesar Tonga Oil Field

    Caesar Tonga is an oil field located approximately 300km from New Orleans in Louisiana, USA. Anadarko Petroleum is the operator of the Caesar Tonga joint development.

  • Caister Gas Field Decommissioning Project, North Sea

    Chrysaor Production is decommissioning the Caister CM offshore platform located in the Southern North Sea, UK.

  • Caister Murdoch Phase 3

    Conoco planned to embark on the third stage of the development of its Caister Murdoch System (CMS) following the successful completion of a well in March 2001.

  • Callater Field, North Sea

    Callater field, formerly known as prospect K, is located in block 09/10b of the UK North Sea, approximately 335km north-east of Aberdeen.

  • Cambay Onshore Field, Gujarat, India

    Synergia Energy plans to farm out 50% interest in the field and begin field development in Q1 2024.

  • Cambo Oil Field

    The Cambo oilfield lies in blocks 204/9 and 204/10, approximately 125km north-west of the Shetland Islands off the shore of the UK.

  • Cameron Highway Oil Transport System

    The Cameron Highway is a deepwater crude oil transport system with a capacity of 600,000bpd. It stands as the longest of

  • Cantarell Oilfield, Gulf of Mexico

    The Cantarell field is Pemex Exploración y Producción's heavy oilfield, located 100km off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula in the Gulf of Mexico.

  • Canyon Express Gas Field

    The Canyon Express Project involves the development of three gas fields in the deep Mississippi Canyon, approximately 120 miles south-east of New Orleans.

  • Caofeidian Oil Field Expansion Project, Bohai Bay

    China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) is implementing the comprehensive adjustment project at the Caofeidian 11-1/11-6 oil field located in Bohai Bay off the coast of China.

  • Cape Vulture Oil Field, North Sea

    The Cape Vulture oil field is located in production licence (PL) 128/128D in the northern part of the North Sea, Norway.

  • Captain Field Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Project, North Sea

    The Captain field, an oil and gas field located in the Outer Moray Firth region within the UK side of the North Sea, will undergo the next stage of development to improve oil recovery from the field through the enhanced oil recovery (EOR) stage two project.

  • Carcara Discovery, Santos Basin

    Carcara discovery is located in the ultra-deep waters of the BM-S-8 offshore licence, within the pre-salt layers of Brazil's Santos Basin.

  • Cardamom Oil and Gas Field

    The Cardamom oil and gas field is located in Block 427 of the Garden Banks in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). It is 100% owned by Royal Dutch Shell (Shell).

  • Caribbean FLNG Project

    The Caribbean floating liquified natural gas (FLNG) project involves the construction of a pipeline between the La Creciente gas field and the Caribbean coast, as well as the development of a liquefaction and regasification barge to deliver LNG to industrial consumers.

  • Carina Aries Natural Gas Production

    The Carina and Aries fields are located in the province Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur

  • Carpinteria Offshore Field Redevelopment Project

    The Carpinteria field lies in the Santa Barbara basin offshore of California, in the Pacific Ocean, US. The redevelopment project will extend the life of the field to 2040.

  • Cascade and Chinook Subsea Development, Gulf of Mexico

    The most significant aspect of Petrobras's Cascade and Chinook development in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) was the company's intent to deploy one of the world's deepest floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) facilities.

  • Cassia Compression Project, Offshore Trinidad

    The Cassia Compression project is being developed by BP Trinidad and Tobago as a part of its Area Development plan.

  • Catcher Area Development, Central North Sea

    The Catcher Area Development involves the combined development of the Catcher, Varadero and Burgman fields located on Blocks 28/9a and 28/10c of production license P140 in the UK Central North Sea.

  • Causeway Oil Field, UK

    Causeway oil field is located in blocks 211/22a and 211/23d of production licenses P.201 and P.1383 of the northern North Sea, UK. It lies in a water depth of 492ft.

  • Cedar LNG Project, British Columbia, Canada

    The Cedar LNG project in British Columbia, Canada, is expected to commence operations in late 2028.

  • Champion WaterFlood Project

    The Champion Oil and Gas Field is located 40km north-west of Bandar Seri Begawan, at a water depth of approximately 30m in the South China Sea.

  • Cheleken Contract Area Development, Caspian Sea

    The Cheleken Contract Area consists of two offshore oil and gas fields, namely Dzheitune (Lam) and Dzhygalybeg (Zhdanov), lying in water depth between 8m and 42m in the eastern section of the Caspian Sea, offshore Turkmenistan.

  • Chestnut Field Decommissioning, North Sea, UK

    The Chestnut oil field, which is operated by Spirit Energy North Sea Oil, will be decommissioned between 2023 and 2028.

  • Cheviot Semi-Submersible Production Platform, North Sea

    Cheviot production platform is a semi-submersible drilling, production and storage facility being fabricated for the development of the Cheviot offshore field.

  • Chim Sao Oilfield

    The Chim Sao field is located in blocks 12W and 12E, which lie at a water depth of 377ft, 400km offshore Vietnam.

  • Chinguetti Oil Field

    The Chinguetti field lies off the coast of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, North West Africa, in Block 4, PSC (Produ

  • Chukchi Sea Permit, Alaska

    The Chukchi Sea is situated offshore, north-west of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. The sea comes under the Arctic ecosystem, which is not favourable for oil drilling because of its climate, ice-covered sea and risk of an oil spill.

  • Cladhan Field Development, Northern North Sea

    Cladhan field is located approximately 100km north-east of the Shetland Islands, UK. It extends across blocks 210/29A and 210/30A of the Northern North Sea, at a water depth of approximately 500ft.

  • Clair Field, Shetlands

    When it was discovered in 1977, the Clair field was the largest discovered but undeveloped hydrocarbon resource on the U

  • Clair Ridge Project, Shetlands

    The Clair Ridge Project is the second-phase development of the Clair field, which is located approximately 75km west of the Shetland Islands in the UK.

  • Cliff Head Field

    Cliff Head oil field is situated 11km off the coast of Western Australia at a water depth of 16m. The field covers 6km

  • Clipper South Gas Field, North Sea

    Clipper South gas field lies in the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) of southern North Sea blocks 48/19 and 48/20. The gas field is situated approximately 100km east of the Lincolnshire coast.

  • CLOV Development Project, Block 17, Offshore Angola

    The second phase of the CLOV project was connected to the existing CLOV field in December 2021.

  • Cluster 2 Fields Development, Block KG-DWN-98/2, Bay of Bengal

    The Cluster 2 fields lie in the deepwater KG-DWN-98/2 Block located off the shore of the Godavari Delta on the east coast of India in water depths ranging from 300m to 3,200m.

  • Colibri Prospect Development

    United Oil and Gas’ Colibri prospect is located in the Walton Basin of the Walton Morant licence area, offshore Jamaica.

  • Columbus Gas Field

    Columbus is a condensate-rich gas field located primarily in Block 23/16f, which covers an area of approximately 20 square miles (51.8km²) in the central North Sea in water depths of 85m.

  • Commonwealth LNG Terminal, Louisiana, USA

    The Commonwealth liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal is expected to start operations in 2027.

  • Congo LNG Project, Republic of Congo

    The Congo LNG project located offshore Congo entered its commissioning phase in December 2023.

  • Coniston Development Project, Exmouth Basin

    The Coniston Development Project is located in blocks WA-35-L and WA-44-R of Exmouth Basin in offshore north-west Australia, in water depths ranging between 40m and 400m.

  • Conoco and Chevron gas field project

    The Britannia field, discovered in the mid 1970s, is the first in the UK sector of the North Sea to be operated jointly

  • Constitution / Ticonderoga Field

    Kerr McGee's Constitution field is located in Green Canyon blocks 679 and 680, approximately 190 miles southwest of New

  • Contract Area 4 Development, Gulf of Mexico

    Contract Area 4 includes two oil and gas fields, Ichalkil and Pokoch, located in water depths ranging between 30m and 45m in the Bay of Campeche, Gulf of Mexico, Mexico.

  • Conwy Field, East Irish Sea

    The Conwy field, comprising Conwy and Corfe accumulations, is located in 110/12a in water depths of 33m in the East Irish Sea.

  • Cook Oil Field Project, North Sea Central

    The Cook Field comprises an oil trap in a simple domal structure, formed by salt at depth.

  • Coral Field, Area 4, Rovuma Basin

    The Coral natural gas field located in Area 4, offshore Mozambique, is being developed by Eni as the operator.

  • Coral South FLNG Project, Rovuma Basin

    The Coral South FLNG Project involves the development of the Coral Sul floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility in the Coral South field in Area 4 in the Rovuma Basin off the coast of Mozambique.

  • Core Gas Project, Southern UK North Sea

    The Core Project involves the development of reserves across six gas fields located in the UK sector of the Southern North Sea.

  • Cormorant East

    The Cormorant East oil field, originally known as the Contender Prospect, is located in the southern part of the block 211/22a in the UK northern North Sea.

  • Corrib Gas Field

    The Corrib field is a Triassic gas development in the Atlantic Ocean, situated off the coast of Ireland.

  • Corvina Oil and Gas Field, Block Z-1, Peru

    Corvina is a shallow water oil and gas field located in Block Z-1, which is a coastal offshore area covering approximately 2,246km² at the southern end of the Gulf of Guayaquil.

  • Cosmopolitan Oil and Gas Field, Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, US

    Cosmopolitan oil and gas field is located in the southern part of the Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, US, in close proximity to the shoreline at Anchor Point on the Kenai Peninsula.

  • Cottonwood Field

    The Cottonwood field is located in the Garden Banks quadrant, block 244, in the US sector of the Gulf of Mexico. The fie

  • CP2 LNG Export Terminal, Louisiana, USA

    The CP2 liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal being developed in Louisiana, US, will start commercial operations in 2026.

  • Crux Project, Australia

    The Crux project is located in the Commonwealth waters in the northern Browse Basin offshore Australia.

  • Cuica Oil Field, Offshore Angola

    The Cuica oil field lies at a water depth of 500m within the Cabaca development area near the East Hub development project.

  • Culzean Gas Condensate Field, North Sea

    Culzean is a high-pressure / high-temperature (HP/HT) gas condensate field located in Block 22/25a (License P111) of the UK continental shelf (UKCS), approximately 233.35km east of Aberdeen, in 90m of water.

  • Curlew Oil And Gas Field Project

    the Curlew field is located in the Central North Sea, 210km east of Aberdeen, UK, in block 29 / 07. It consists of two a

  • Cygnus Gas Field, UK Continental Shelf, North Sea

    The Cygnus gas field is situated within UK Continental Shelf blocks 44/12a and 44/11a in 23m of water.

  • Cypre Gas Project, Trinidad and Tobago

    The Cypre gas project is expected to start production in 2025 with an estimated capacity of 250 to 300 million metric standard cubic feet a day of gas.





  • Gajah Baru Field

    The Gajah Baru gas field is situated in Block A in the West Natuna Sea, Indonesia. The field lies at a water depth of

  • Galata Gas Field, Bulgaria

    The Galata Project, situated about 20km from the eastern port of Varna, is being developed by Melrose Resources. The Gal

  • Galoc Oil Field

    The Galoc oil field is situated 60km north-west of Palawan in the Department of Energy (DOE) service contract SC14-C. Th

  • Gannet Oil and Gas Field Project

    Since the original field was first discovered in 1973, a number of satellite fields have been tied into the Gannet facilities. In mid-1999, the latest phase saw Gannet G going into production with a £40m project.

  • Garantiana Oil Field, North Sea

    Garantiana oil field is located in Production License (PL) 554 of the Norwegian North Sea in 384m of water.

  • Gato do Mato Oil and Gas Field, Santos Basin, Brazil

    Gato do Mato is planned to be developed using ten development wells, which will be tied back to an FPSO.

  • Gaupe Field, Production Licence 292, North Sea

    Gaupe oil and gas field is located in Blocks 6/3 and 15/12 of production licence 292 in the North Sea, Norway. It lies 225km away from the Norwegian coast.

  • Gaza Marine Gas Field

    Gaza Marine gas field is located 30km off the coast of the Gaza Strip, in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. It lies at a water depth of 603m.

  • Gazelle Field

    The Gazelle oil and gas field is located in Block CI-202, approximately 30km south-east of Abidjan, at water depths ranging between 30m and 50m in the offshore Ivorian Basin.

  • Genesis Oil Field Project, Gulf of Mexico

    The Genesis field is located 150 miles south of New Orleans, across the three Green Canyon blocks 160, 161 and 205.

  • Genghis Khan Development

    In October 2007, BHP Billiton brought its Genghis Khan development into production. The field is located in the deepwate

  • Ghasha Ultra-sour Gas Project, Abu Dhabi

    The Ghasha ultra-sour gas project is located on the north-western shore of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

  • Gimboa Field

    The Gimboa field lies in block 4/05, approximately 85km off the Angola coast, in 700m (2,296ft) of water. The field is operated by Sonangol.

  • Gina Krog (formerly Dagny) Oil and Gas Field, North Sea

    Dagny oil and gas field is located in Blocks 15/5 and 15/6 of production licenses (PL) 303, PL 048, PL 029 and PL 029B of the North Sea, Norway.

  • Girassol FPSO, Luanda, Angola

    Girassol is one of the four major production hubs of Block 17, which is operated by TotalEnergies.

  • Gjøa Field, North Sea Northern

    StatoilHydro's Gjøa field lies in blocks 35 / 9 and 36 / 7 of the North Sea. The field was proven in 1989 and its

  • Gjoa Field P1 Development, North Sea

    The Gjoa field P1 development aims to access the untapped reserves of the Gjoa producing oil and gas field located in the North Sea off the coast of Norway. The project is being developed by Neptune Energy (operator, 30%), Petoro (30%), Wintershall Dea Norge (28%), and OKEA (12%).

  • Glenlivet Gas Field

    Glenlivet gas field is located along the Atlantic Margin, 90km north-west of the Shetland Islands, UK.

  • Glider, Gulf of Mexico

    The Glider field is located in Green Canyon Block 248 in the Gulf of Mexico, approximately 165 miles south-southwest of

  • Glitne

    Glitne lies in block 15/5 and 15/6 in the Sleipner area of the Norwegian sector of the North Sea about 40km north-west of the Sleipner East development.

  • GNL Del Plata Project, Port of Montevideo

    An important infrastructure project for Uruguay's energy sector, GNL del Plata Project consists of an offshore terminal and the world's biggest floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU).

  • Gohta Oil and Gas Discovery, Barents Sea

    Gohta oil and gas discovery is located in production license PL492 of the Barents Sea, Norway, at a water depth of 342m.

  • Golden Beach Gas Field

    Golden Beach gas field lies at a water depth between 18m and 20m in the Gippsland Basin, offshore Australia.

  • Golden Eagle Development Area Project

    Nexen Petroleum's Golden Eagle Area Development (GEAD) project includes the development of the Golden Eagle and Peregrine (formerly Pink) fields in blocks 20/1, 20/1N and 14/26a of the North Sea, approximately 110km north-east of Aberdeen, UK.

  • Goldeneye Gas Field Decommissioning, Central North Sea

    The Goldeneye gas condensate field in the central North Sea will be decommissioned in four phases.

  • Goldeneye Gas Platform

    Goldeneye is located 100km northeast of St Fergus. It was discovered in October 1996 with the drilling of well 14/29a-3

  • Goliat Oil and Gas Field, Barents Sea

    The Goliat oil and gas field, located in the production licence (PL) 229 in the Barents Sea, north of Russia and Norway, is the first oil reservoir to start production in the area.

  • Gorgon Gas Fields, Northern Carnarvon Basin

    The Gorgon gas fields are located offshore Western Australia, approximately 60km from Barrow Island and 200km west of Dampier.

  • Gorgon Stage Two Development Project

    Gorgon Stage Two (GS2) development project is a proposed expansion of the Gorgon liquified natural gas (LNG) project, located approximately 130km off the north-west coast of Western Australia, at a water depth of around 200m to 1,300m.

  • Grasel Oil Field Development, North Sea

    Grasel oil field is located within the Skarv area above the Skarv reservoir, approximately 210km offshore Sandnessjøen on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) in North Sea, Norway.

  • Greater Angostura Field Phase III

    The Greater Angostura field lies in block 2C, approximately 38km off the north-east coast of Trinidad, at a water depth from 120ft to 200ft.

  • Greater Angostura, Eastern Venezuela Basin

    The Greater Angostura field is located in 36-46m of water on the continental shelf, 37km east of the Republic of Trinida

  • Greater Bongkot South (GBS) Gas and Condensate Field

    Greater Bongkot South (GBS) is a gas and condensate field located about 200km east of Songkhla in the Gulf of Thailand.

  • Greater Enfield Development (GED) Project

    The Greater Enfield Development (GED) Project involves the development of the Laverda Canyon, Norton over Laverda, and Cimatti (WA-28-L) oil accumulations in Australia.

  • Greater Plutonio Development, Block 18, Offshore Angola

    The Greater Plutonio development, comprising the Galio, Cromio, Paladio, Plutonio and Cobalto fields, lies in 1,200m to 1,600m deep water, approximately 160km north-west of Luanda in the Block 18 concession, offshore Angola.

  • Greater Stella Area Development, North Sea

    Greater Stella Area, which is located within the UK continental shelf in blocks 29/10a and 30/6a, is being developed by Ithaca Energy as the operator.

  • Greater Tortue Ahmeyim (GTA) LNG Project, Mauritania and Senegal

    The Greater Tortue Ahmeyim LNG project involves one of the deepest subsea developments in Africa.

  • Greater Western Flank Phase 2, North West Shelf

    The Greater Western Flank Phase 2 development, located off the north-west coast of Western Australia, is the fourth major gas development for the North West Shelf project in the past seven years.

  • Greater Western Flank Phase I, North West Shelf

    Phase I of the Greater Western Flank (GWF) development project in Australia was sanctioned by the North West Shelf Venture (NWSV) partners in December 2011.

  • Grevling Oil Field, North Sea

    Grevling oil field is located at a water depth of 90m in PL 038D licence area, approximately 15km south of the Sleipner Ost field in the central North Sea.

  • Grove Gas Field, UK North Sea

    Grove gas field is located in the Greater Markham Area (GMA) on the UK Continental Shelf close to the median line of the UK and Netherlands in the North Sea.

  • Guendalina Gas Field

    The Guendalina Gas Field is operated by Eni, which has an 80% interest, and Mediterranean Oil & Gas (MOG), which hol

  • Gullfaks oil field project, North Sea Northern

    Gullfaks South, Rimfaks and Gullveig lie in block 34 / 10, in a water depth of 135m. The Gullfaks Satellites produces ar

  • Gullfaks Rimfak Valley, Tampen Area

    Gullfaks Rimfaks Valley is a Statoil-operated asset located near Rimfaks and Gullfaks South in the Tampen area in the North Sea.

  • Gumusut-Kakap Deepwater Oil and Gas Project

    The Gumusut-Kakap project includes the joint development of two ultra-deep water discoveries, Gumusut and Kakap.

  • Gunflint Oil Field, Gulf of Mexico

    Gunflint oil field lies in Mississippi Canyon Blocks 948, 949, 992(N/2) and 993(N/2), 90mi (144km) south off the coast of Louisiana, US, in the Gulf of Mexico.

  • Gyda Oil and Gas Platform Decommissioning, North Sea

    The Gyda platform of the Gyda oil and gas field, which is located at a water depth of 66m in block 2/1 in the southern Norwegian sectors between Ula and Ekofisk fields in the North Sea, is being decommissioned after being operated for approximately three decades.

  • Gygrid Prospect

    The Gygrid prospect is a light oil field situated at a water depth of 810ft in North Sea, Norway. The field lies in bloc

  • Gyrfalcon Gas Field Project, Gulf of Mexico

    Gyrfalcon came onstream in December 1999, based on the world’s first 15,000psi subsea tree.





  • K2 Field

    The K2 field is located in Green Canyon Blocks 518 and 562 about 175 miles south of New Orleans, Louisiana, at a water d

  • K5F Gas Field, Netherlands

    The K5F field is located in block K5 in the Dutch sector of the North Sea, approximately 110km northwest of Den Helder.

  • Kaikias Deep Water Project, Gulf of Mexico

    Kaikias deep-water project straddles two outer continental shelf lease blocks of the high-quality Mars-Ursa oil basin, known as MC-811 and MC-812.

  • Kambuna Gas Field

    Serica Energy, which is based in London, UK, began production in 2009 from the Kambuna gas field, which lies in 40m of w

  • Kaombo Ultra-Deep Offshore Project

    Kaombo Ultra-Deep Offshore Project involved the development of six of the 12 fields discovered at Block 32, around 260km offshore Luanda in Angola, Africa.

  • Karan Gas Field

    The Karan gas field is located offshore of the Arabian Gulf in Saudi Arabian territorial waters, in water depths of 40m (131ft) to 60m (197ft).

  • Karish and Tanin Field Development, Mediterranean Sea

    The Karish and Tanin natural gas fields situated in the Mediterranean Sea offshore Israel are operated by Energean Israel.

  • Karish North Gas Field, Israel

    Karish North gas field is located in the south-east region of the Mediterranean Sea, offshore Israel.

  • Kasawari Gas Development Project, Sarawak, Malaysia

    Developed by Petronas, the Kasawari gas development project is located in the South China Sea, offshore Sarawak, Malaysia.

  • Kashagan Offshore Oil Field

    Discovered in July 2000, Kashagan was described as the largest field found in the past 30 years, the largest outside of the Middle East, with a projected output close to that of the Ghawar field in Saudi Arabia.

  • Kaskida Offshore Field, Gulf of Mexico

    Kaskida is a field situated in block 292 in Keathley Canyon, in the Gulf of Mexico. It is 250 miles south-west of New Orleans. The field was discovered in 2006 in depths of 5,900ft.

  • Katla Field, North Sea

    The Katla oil and gas field lies in production licence 104 of the North Sea, Norway. The field is located 11km from the

  • Katmai Field, US Gulf of Mexico

    Katmai is a deep-water oil field development project, located at a water depth of approximately 1,820ft in Green Canyon blocks 39 and 40 in the US Gulf of Mexico.

  • KBM Cluster Fields Development

    The KBM Cluster Fields Development Project includes the development of three oil fields, namely Kapal, Banang and Meranti, which are located in Block PM 316 of the Malaysian offshore Peninsular region.

  • Kearl Oil Sands Project, Alberta

    The Kearl oil sands project is located 70km away from Fort McMurray in Alberta, Canada. The onshore field is owned by Imperial Oil and ExxonMobil. Imperial Oil is the operator of the project.

  • Kebabangan Gas Field

    The Kebabangan gas field is located in the South China Sea, 130km offshore Sabah, East Malaysia.

  • Kerr-McGee Corporation oilfield project

    The Janice oilfield is located in the first-round block 30/17a, licence number P032, in the Central North Sea.

  • Ketch and Schooner Gas Fields Decommissioning, North Sea, UK

    Ketch and Schooner gas fields located in the southern North Sea, UK, will be decommissioned with an estimated investment of $33m.

  • Kew Gas Field, North Sea

    Kew offshore gas field is located 3km away from the Chiswick normally unmanned installation (NUI) on the Norfolk coast.

  • KG-21 Well, Krishna-Godavari Basin – India

    Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC) discovered a 5,656m-deep gas column in the KG-21 well in the Krishna-Godavari

  • Khvalynskoye Oil and Gas Field

    The Khvalynskoye oil and gas project is located in the northern part of the Caspian Sea. The field lies at a water depth

  • Kikeh Floating Production, Storage and Offloading Development, Malaysia

    The Kikeh field is located 120km north-west of the island of Labuan in Block K, offshore Sabah, East Malaysia, in water depths of approximately 1,330m.

  • King Field, Gulf of Mexico

    For the first time, innovative subsea boosting technology was used to increase production in the Gulf of Mexico from wells on the King field.

  • King’s Quay FPS Facility

    King’s Quay is a semi-submersible floating production system (FPS) to be located in Green Canyon Block 433 in the US Gulf of Mexico.

  • Kingfisher Oil Field, Uganda

    The Kingfisher onshore oil field located in Kikuube District is expected to be commissioned in 2025.

  • Kinnoull Oil and Gas Field

    Kinnoull oil reservoir is located in the central North Sea region, UK, about 140 miles North East of Aberdeen.

  • Kinsale Area Gas Fields Decommissioning, Celtic Sea

    The Kinsale Area gas fields are located in the Celtic Sea, approximately 40km to 70km off the south coast of County Cork in Ireland. The fields include Kinsale Head, Ballycotton, South-West Kinsale and Seven Heads gas fields, which were developed between 1978 and 2003.

  • Kipper Gas Field

    The Kipper Gas Field lies in 100m of water, approximately 45km off Ninety Mile Beach, in the Gippsland Basin. In Decembe

  • Kipper Tuna Turrum Project, Gippsland Basin

    Kipper Tuna Turrum (KTT) Project is a $4.5bn project located off the Victorian coast in the Gippsland Basin.

  • Kirinskoye Gas and Condensate Field, Sea of Okhotsk, Russia

    Kirinskoye is the first offshore field in Russia to utilise a subsea system for natural gas production. The field started production in October 2013 and is expected to produce 5.5 billion cubic meters of gas annually.

  • Kish Gas Field

    Located below Kish Island in Persian Gulf, Iran, Kish Gas Field has been under development since 2012. The field was discovered in 2006 by the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) and is the world’s fifth biggest offshore gas field.

  • Kitan Oil Field

    The Kitan oilfield is located at a water depth of 350m in the Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA) in the Timor Sea, offshore 170km southeast of Timor-Leste coast and 550km northwest of Darwin, Australia.

  • Kitchen Lights Unit (KLU) Project, Cook Inlet, Alaska, US

    The Kitchen Lights Unit (KLU), covering an area of approximately 83,300 acres (337km²), is the biggest development region in Cook Inlet, Alaska, US.

  • Kizomba Offshore Field Deepwater Project, Angola

    Kizomba oil field lies in Block 15 offshore Angola, marking one of the first tranches of deepwater acreage offered by the Angolan Government.

  • Kizomba Satellites Phase 2

    Kizomba Satellites Phase II involves the development of the Kakocha, Bavuca and Mondo South satellite fields located within Block 15, approximately 150km off the coast of Angola, at a water depth of approximately 1,350m.

  • Knarr Field, North Sea

    The Knarr oil and gas field, located in the Norwegian North Sea, is planned to be decommissioned by 2028.

  • Knotty Head Field

    The Knotty Head field lies in Green Canyon block 512 in the Gulf of Mexico. It is operated by Nexen Petroleum with a 25&

  • Kobra East & Gekko (KEG) Field Development, North Sea, Norway

    The Kobra East & Gekko field in the central North Sea, Norway, commenced production in October 2023.

  • Kodiak Oil Field, Gulf of Mexico

    The Kodiak oil field lies in water depth of 4,700ft in the Mississippi Canyon Blocks 727/771 in Gulf of Mexico, 153 miles south of New Orleans, Louisiana, US.

  • Krafla Oil and Gas Field, North Sea

    Krafla is an oil and gas field proposed to be developed at a water depth of about 110m, approximately 35km south of the Oseberg oil field in the central part of the North Sea on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS).

  • Kraken Oil Field, North Sea

    Kraken is one of the biggest subsea heavy-oil field projects in the UK sector of the North Sea.

  • Kristin Deepwater Project

    The Kristin field is located in the south-west part of the Halten Bank in the Norwegian Sea.

  • Kristin Sor Oil and Gas Satellite Fields, North Sea

    The Kristin Sor oil and gas fields are satellite fields proposed to be developed in the southwestern part of the Halten Bank in the North Sea, Norway.

  • Kristin South Phase One Project, Norwegian Sea, Norway

    The Kristin South phase one project, which is under development in the Norwegian Sea, is expected to commence production in 2024.

  • Ku-Maloob-Zaap (KMZ) Field – a timeline

    The drilling of the Maalob 1 well in 1979 confirmed the discovery of the Ku-Maloob-Zaap (KMZ) field. It was hailed as the second most important field in the Mexico after Cantarell, and the world’s 23rd biggest reserves.

  • Ku-Maloob-Zaap Field

    In 2002, Mexican state oil company Pemex embarked on an eight-year project to boost heavy crude output from its Ku-Maloob-Zaap (KMZ) oilfield in the Bay of Campeche, Gulf of Mexico.

  • Kudu Gas Field, Orange Sub-Basin

    Kudu gas field is part of production licence 001, located about 130km off the shore of Namibia near the city of Oranjemund, West Africa. It lies in the Orange Sub-basin.

  • Kumang Cluster Development Phase 1, Sarawak

    The Kumang Cluster Development Phase 1 involved the development of the Kumang, F9 and Kanowit gas fields.

  • Kupe Oil and Gas Field, New Zealand

    New Zealand's Kupe project is situated within the Kupe Central Field Area (CFA), about 30km offshore south-west of Hawer.

  • Kurri Kurri Lateral Pipeline, Australia

    The Kurri Kurri lateral pipeline being developed in New South Wales, Australia, is anticipated to be operational in 2024.

  • Kvitebjørn Field

    Kvitebjørn field is situated in block 34/11 of the Tampen area in the North Sea, Norway. The gas and condensate field lies at a water depth of 190m.


  • L8-D Field, North Sea

    The L8-D field is located 50km from the port of Den Helder in the Dutch North Sea. The field was discovered in 2004 by w

  • Laggan-Tormore Project

    Laggan and Tormore are two gas and condensate fields situated about 125km north-west of the Shetland Islands in the UK.

  • Lakach Deepwater Project

    The Lakach deepwater gas field is located 93km south-east of Veracruz and 131km north-west of Coatzacoalcos, in the Gulf of Mexico, at water depths ranging between 850m and 1,200m.

  • Laminaria and Corallina Oil and Gas Fields, Australia

    The Laminaria and Corallina fields, located in the Timor Sea 550km north-west of Darwin, ceased production in 2019.

  • Lan Do Offshore Gas Field, Nam Con Son Basin

    Lan Do is an offshore gas field in Block 06.1 of the Nam Con Son Basin, about 365km offshore of the southern coast of Vietnam. Block 06.1 is the largest in-country gas producer in Vietnam.

  • Lancaster Oil and Gas Field, West of Shetland

    The Lancaster field is located in blocks 205/21a, 205/22a and 205/26b of the West of Shetlands area offshore UK in water depths of 160m. The prospect is 100% owned and operated by Hurricane Energy.

  • Lang Lebah field development, SK410B, Malaysia

    Lang Lebah, located in block SK410B in the South China Sea, is one of the biggest gas discoveries off the Malaysian coast.

  • Langsa Oil Pool, Straits of Malacca

    The Langsa Offshore Technical Assistance Contract (TAC) is located in the offshore part of the North Sumatra Basin in the Straits of Malacca.

  • Lapa Oilfield, Santos Basin

    Formerly known as Carioca Oilfield, Lapa Oilfield is located approximately 270km off the coast of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in water depths of approximately 2,140m, within block BM-S-9 of the pre-salt Santos Basin.

  • Lapa South West Oil Field, Brazil

    Lapa South West oil field is located in the Santos Basin, offshore Brazil, and is anticipated to start production in 2025.

  • Layang Offshore Field

    The Layang field is a marginal field located in Block SK10, offshore Sarawak, Malaysia, at a water depth of approximately 90m.

  • Leadon

    Leadon is located in blocks 9/14a and 9/14b in the North Sea, approximately 220 miles north-east of Aberdeen and 15 mile

  • Leadon Field Decommissioning

    Leadon Field is located on the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS), in Blocks 9/14a and 9/14b in the North Sea.

  • Lengo Gas Field Development Project

    Lengo gas field is located within the Bulu PSC in the East Java Sea, Indonesia, at water depths ranging between 50m and 60m.

  • Leon-Castile Deep-Water Project, Gulf of Mexico, US

    The Leon-Castile deep-water project will be developed through three subsea wells for initial production.

  • Leviathan Gas Field, Mediterranean Sea, Israel

    The development of the field is in line with the Israeli Ministry of Energy’s goal to replace coal as a source of energy.

  • Lianzi Oil Field

    The Lianzi oil field is located in a unitised zone which includes parts of the Block 14 License (Republic of Angola) and the Haute Mer Permit (Republic of Congo) about 105km offshore, at water depths ranging from 820m to 1,070m.

  • Liberator Oil and Gas Field, North Sea

    The Liberator oil and gas field lies in block 13/23d of production licence P1987, which is situated roughly 120km off the shore of Aberdeen in the North Sea, UK.

  • Liberty Project, Alaska

    British Petroleum's (BP) Liberty offshore oilfield is located four miles off the northern coast of Alaska in Foggy Island Bay in the Beaufort Sea.

  • Libra Oil Field, Santos Basin

    The Libra oilfield, located in the Santos Basin, Brazil, is one of the world’s biggest deepwater oil discoveries.

  • Limbayong Deep-water Development Project, Offshore Sabah, Malaysia

    Limbayong is an oil and non-associated gas field proposed to be developed in water depths between 900m and 1,200m, within Block G, approximately 120km offshore Sabah in East Malaysia.

  • Lingshui 17-2 Gas Field

    Lingshui 17-2 is a deepwater gas field located in water depths of 1,500m in the South China Sea, offshore China. Owned and operated by China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), it is the first independent ultra deepwater discovery made in the region.

  • Lishui Natural Gas Field

    Lishui 36-1 is a natural gas field located 150km away from the city of Wenzhou in the East China Sea. It is situated in Block 25/34 and covers a total area of 84.7km².

  • Liuhua Oil Fields Joint Development

    The Liuhua oil fields joint development project includes the development of the Liuhua 16-2, 20-2 and 21-2 oil fields located offshore China.

  • Liverpool Bay Oil and Gas Development Project

    The Liverpool Bay Development is BHP Petroleum's largest global single project. It comprises four oil and gas fields, together with significant offshore and onshore facilities for extracting, transporting and processing the reserves.

  • Liwan 3-1 Gas Field, South China Sea

    The Liwan 3-1 gas field sits in licence block 29/26 in the South China Sea, 350km south-east of Hong Kong in the Pearl River Mouth Basin.

  • Liza Prospect Development, Stabroek Block

    The Liza prospect is located approximately 120 miles (193km) offshore Guyana in the Stabroek block, which is operated by ExxonMobil affiliate Esso Exploration and Production Guyana.

  • Llano

    Llano is located in the Gulf of Mexico, in Garden Banks blocks 385 and 386, approx. 200 miles southwest of New Orleans i

  • Loba Oil Field, Nkembe Block

    The Loba oil field is located within the Nkembe Production Sharing Contract (PSC), approximately 30km off the coast of Gabon. The water depth at the PSC ranges between 50m and 500m.

  • Longhorn Gas Field

    The Longhorn Gas Field, situated in the Gulf of Mexico's Mississippi Canyon (MC) Blocks 546 and 502, is located around 6

  • Longtom Gas Field, Gippsland Basin

    The Longtom gas field lies in the Gippsland Basin, offshore south-east Australia. The field is situated in the explor

  • Lucius Deepwater Oil and Gas Project, Gulf of Mexico

    The Lucius oil field is located in the Keathley Canyon block in the Gulf of Mexico. Anadarko Petroleum operates the field with a 35% working interest.

  • Lufeng 12-3 Oil Field Development, China

    The Lufeng 12-3 oil field, located in the South China Sea, China, is expected to come onstream in 2023.

  • Lufeng oilfield project, South China Sea

    The Lufeng 22-1 oilfield lies 250km south-east of Hong Kong in the South China Sea, in 330m of water.

  • Luiperd-Brulpadda Gas Condensate Fields Development, South Africa

    The Luiperd-Brulpadda project has the potential to transform the South African oil and gas industry.

  • Lukoil’s Kravtsovskoye (D-6) Oil Field

    Lukoil's Kravtsovskoye (D-6) oil field is located in the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea. It was discovered in 1983 at