
A heavy weather launch system provides additional stability and support against wind and waves during the launch and recovery of an ROV system.

Depending on the asset on which the ROV is to be deployed, i-Tech offers two options.

On drillships and monohull vessels, i-Tech advocates the use of a cursor-deployed guide rail system. On semisubmersibles a guide wire system is generally recommended. Both methods allow for the safe and efficient launch and recovery of an ROV system in deepwater or harsh environments.

Key features:

  • Cursor-deployed heavy weather launch system for use on semi-submersibles to mitigate wind and waves
  • Can utilise guide rails present om drillships, monohull vessels or moonpools present on semi-submersibles
  • Provide a safe and controlled method of landing and recovering ROV system
  • Particularly effective in deepwater and harsh environments