The cable and hose carriers S/SX1252B and S/SX1802B from the STEELLINE product family are suited perfectly for applications in steelworks, foundries and blasting shops.

The TSUBAKI KABELSCHLEPP STEEL-LINE steel cable and hose carrier systems significantly increase system availability in abrasive work environments

The work in steelworks, foundries and blasting shops is particularly rough on personnel and machinery. Conventional cable and hose carriers quickly reach the limits of their resistance in these kinds of conditions. The optimised chain geometry of the cable and hose carriers STEEL-LINE S/SX1252B and S/SX1802B by TSUBAKI KABELSCHLEPP reliably prevent costly downtimes and maintenance times in highly abrasive environments.

Foundry sand, corund and scale are the natural enemy of any cable and hose carrier. They are by-products of metal production and processing, where they appear in large volumes and can quickly result in blockages on the stroke system of conventional cable carriers. The cable and hose carrier system fails, and the entire system comes to a standstill.

Against this background, the TSUBAKI KABELSCHLEPP cable and hose carrier types S/SX1252B and S/SX1802B offer users specialist systems for the deployment in environments, where high volumes of fine abrasive media are generated. Both of these cable and hose carriers are available in steel (S) and stainless steel (SX) and are – like all steel cable and hose carriers by TSUBAKI KABELSCHLEPP – lubricant-free. The cable and hose carriers STEEL-LINE S/SX1252B and S/SX1802B have both been awarded the Eco-Link label and comply with the strict TSUBAKI Group environmental compatibility standards.

The optimised construction of the cable and hose carrier systems S/SX1252B and S/SX1802B of the STEEL-LINE product family by TSUBAKI KABELSCHLEPP permanently prevents dirt and foreign bodies from collecting in the stroke system and thus inhibiting the function of the carrier. The stroke system is virtually ‘self-cleaning’, as foreign bodies are removed while the cable carrier is in travel. Blockages of the cable and hose carrier are effectively prevented, as no dirt deposits can form in the stroke system. Depending on the type of application, screw connections or rivets are used.

With the ability to withstand continuously high temperatures of up to 600°C, the steel cable and hose carriers are ideally suited for use in the extreme heat of steelworks and foundries. The cable and hose carriers S/SX1252B and S/SX1802B can be optionally be equipped with rust-proof steel band covers for additional protection of the routed lines and hoses against external influences.

Various types of stays allow the made-to-measure adjustment of the routed lines. The aluminium hole stays of type LG, for example, can be delivered with custom bore patterns. The solid and fourfold screwed metal frame stays of type RM are ideally suited for use with extreme stresses or large carrier widths.