
Nexans will gather industry experts at its Annual Technical Conference: ‘"Sustainable Transportation and Connected Grids: a step forward in energy transition’ in Paris on 5th December. The conference will address learnings from major smart grid and electric vehicle projects and discuss how they can be used to drive energy transition.

Nexans specialists and industry experts will present on current challenges about energy transition and sustainable transport and also look at the future in this field. It will be moderated by Smartgrids France managing director Valérie-Anne Lencznar and Grenoble INP professor Nouredine Hadjsaid. Nexans and its partners will discuss experience gained from the BienVEnu, Eco2charge, SOGRID and Smap projects.

Nexans innovation & technology corporate vice-president Pierre Kayoun said: "This is the second in Nexans’ series of annual conferences devoted to Energy Transition. The conference this year is essential for everyone who wants to know about the latest developments in sustainable transportation, energy transition and see concrete demonstrators. This will be a great opportunity to bring together a wide range of participants from industries such as power utilities, IT, building construction and automation and exchange about future trends."

Taking place on 5 December 2016, the conference will be held at the Musée des arts et métiers in Paris, France.

Registration is open to professionals involved in the energy transition and transportation sectors. As the number of seats is limited, prior online registration is necessary.

Please contact Nexans for more information.