
DSM Dyneema has launched a new online platform that is modelled on a virtual symposium or event experience, together with key industry partners. Building on the company’s innovative and growing online presence and underlying its focus on strong strategic partnerships, the new DSM Dyneema Virtual Event provides an alternative for industry members to access information and interact with key players in a holistic industry environment.

Although nothing can quite replace the value and emotive experience of face-to-face meetings, economic, time and conflict pressures prevent many people from attending all the events they would like to. The DSM Dyneema Virtual Event offers an alternative, and provides an easily accessible, fast and efficient way to find information and engage with suppliers and partners from the industry.

The initial platform contains both an offshore and commercial fishing event. These are centred around DSM Dyneema and its key partners from each industry, and provide a profile of all participating companies, product information, technical and application related information as well as current news and developments. A communication lounge allows visitors to post questions and interact with Dyneema and other participants through LinkedIn or Twitter.

“Time, cost and conflicting commitment pressures mean our customers and industry contacts can not get to all the shows they would like to,” says Andre van Wageningen, global marketing manager for commercial fishing at DSM Dyneema. “Utilising the internet to try and bring the industry to them in an innovative way was a logical step for DSM Dyneema and our partners.”