
Yokogawa Europe and Rovsing Dynamics have announced a collaboration to assist upstream and downstream oil and gas producers to achieve operational excellence through automated, intelligent operation and asset management solutions.

As a result of the new partnership, the unique Rovsing Dynamics OPENpredictor™ solution for machinery health prediction will now be offered as an integrated part of Yokogawa’s VigilantPlant® solution for complete industrial automation.

The co-operation covers solutions for:

  • Offshore oil and gas production
  • FPSOs (floating production, storage and offloading vessels)
  • Downstream LNG production facilities
  • Refineries
  • Onshore gas compression stations

The oil and gas industry faces the challenges of shorter reaction time to adapt to changing market demand, along with the lack of skilled and experienced people. This increases the need for automated operation and maintenance solutions, where tailored information easily can be retrieved and presented according to different users’ needs. Traditional stand-alone condition monitoring systems and operational management systems need to integrate and exchange
information. OPENpredictor incorporated into VigilantPlant provides a comprehensive solution to achieve ‘best in class’ asset availability.

OPENpredictor condition monitoring solutions provide automated fault diagnostics and predict lead time to inspection for rotating machinery. Such business-critical information helps users to improve process uptime through
minimised downtime of critical machinery, thus increasing revenue while reducing operational risk and cost.

VigilantPlant is Yokogawa’s unique industrial automation concept for safe, reliable, predictable and profitable plant operations. Based on Yokogawa’s CENTUM VP integrated production control system and plant resource manager (PRM) plant asset management system, it also embraces dedicated
solutions for asset management, safety and production excellence, as well as partner solutions like OPENpredictor.

With VigilantPlant, information from sub-systems is incorporated using common data transfer standards and presented via a unified, intuitive user interface with integrated workflow management. Easily accessible, integrated operational and predictive maintenance information enables an ongoing state of operational excellence where plant personnel are attentive, well
informed, and ready to take actions that optimise plant and business performance, as well as being able to adapt to shifting market conditions quickly and efficiently.

“The unique Rovsing Dynamics predictive and pro-active monitoring solution for mission-critical and capital-intensive equipment supplements Yokogawa’s portfolio to improve customer asset availability,” says Harry Hauptmeijer, president of Yokogawa Europe. He continues: “Our two companies share the common vision of
fulfilling customers’ objectives for safety, asset and production excellence. Through our committed partnership, we are now able to deliver a complete asset management solution with asset predictability.”

Thea Larsen, CEO of Rovsing Dynamics, commented: “We are excited to become a partner in Yokogawa’s integrated VigilantPlant concept. We can now meet customers’ demands for one common solution from one supplier, with oil and
gas producers benefiting from the combined strengths of our two companies: Yokogawa’s recognition as a dedicated, reliable total solution provider, and Rovsing Dynamics’ specialised knowhow in condition monitoring.”