
Yokogawa Electric Corporation announces that its DPharp EJA V2.5 Device Type Manager (DTM) has been certified for FOUNDATIONT fieldbus by the FDT Group, a world first.

This certification marks another step forward for Yokogawa’s VigilantPlant Asset Excellence initiative, allowing users of Yokogawa’s intelligent FOUNDATION fieldbus devices to tap user-friendly field device tool (FDT)/DTM technology with the guarantee of interoperability and trouble-free installation.

‘Best in class’ technology and assured interoperability Innovative process plants today utilise the HART, PROFIBUS, and FOUNDATION fieldbus intelligent field communications protocols, making use of a rich variety of field information to improve the safety, reliability, and productivity of plant operations while optimising maintenance. FDT/DTM is a complementary open technology that allows users of these advanced field communications protocols to access and utilise device information regardless of the host system or communications protocol.

With a large number of device DTMs already certified for the HART and PROFIBUS communications protocols, certification for FOUNDATION fieldbus has been avidly awaited. As a strong supporter and key member of the FDT Group, Yokogawa is proud to announce the world’s first certified FOUNDATION fieldbus device DTM.

This certified FOUNDATION fieldbus device DTM is fully interoperable with all certified frame applications, including Yokogawa’s latest FieldMate R1.03 and PRM R3.02 asset management systems. This allows users intuitive access to all the advanced features of FOUNDATION fieldbus devices.

Yokogawa’s release of the world’s first certified FOUNDATION fieldbus device DTM means that customers can now deploy HART and FOUNDATION fieldbus devices without the fear of interoperability pitfalls and seamlessly utilise a wealth of field information.

Certification technology and infrastructure The FDT Group recently completed the tool set needed for the FOUNDATION fieldbus certification of device DTMs, and Yokogawa used the latest dtmINSPECTOR 2.1 to verify that the device DTM for its EJA pressure/differential pressure transmitters met the FDT Group’s specifications for the FOUNDATION fieldbus protocol. Using its certified Interoperability Test Lab in Singapore, Yokogawa accelerated this rigorous certification process.