Global TCC

Global TCC specialises in quality assurance (QA) services to the offshore oil and gas industry. Our DNV accreditation and team of highly trained QA Engineers and auditors provide our customers with the reassurance that their quality systems will meet exacting standards.

We provide both QA Engineering and QA Audit both on a consulting and retained supplier basis to a wide range of customers, including major oil and gas service companies. We have a track record of successful internal audit to ISO 9001: 2008, with a high percentage of our customers achieving no non-conformances at external audit.

Within the UKCS the offshore industry has developed a comprehensive and largely effective response to the challenges of fitness of quality systems for this highly regulated and most demanding sector with constant change in the legislative and regulatory framework.

But if we snooze, we lose.

The imminent change to ISO 9001: 2015 brings with it fresh challenges in terms of meeting the requirements for training and competence of the workforce in pursuit of delivery of the product or service.

Of course customers will be provided with time to transition from the old to the new Standard but putting in place the requirements can be a lengthy process of review and redesign of policies, procedures and practice to ensure that, at audit, there will be no nasty surprises.

Talk now to our QA engineers and auditors, who can evaluate the fitness of your current quality systems and help you design new systems to meet the challenges.

Global TCC is located in Dyce, Aberdeen, Scotland, just a few minutes from the airport and within walking distance of mainline train and bus routes, with links to the rest of the UK and overseas via major hubs in London and Amsterdam. For more information about our SQA Health and Safety Training, or to make a booking, contact Simon at +44 (0) 1224 255470 or email: