
Mott MacDonald’s role on Phase 1 of the Mozambique Regional Transmission Project is reaching the final stages of the environmental assessment phase. The consultancy was appointed by Electricidade de Moçambique with World Bank funds to undertake an environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) and a resettlement policy framework for the Mozambique Regional Transmission Line Project.

Mozambique is in possession of abundant natural power resources such as fossil fuels, natural gas and coal reserves. To develop some of these resources for export and domestic electricity consumption, the Government of Mozambique has promoted major infrastructure initiatives involving the development of generation projects. The high-voltage transmission system will meet Mozambique’s domestic and industrial electricity needs and support electricity transfer to neighbouring countries as well.

The Mozambique Regional Transmission Line project is the combination of an 800kV HVDC overhead electrical transmission line and a 400kV HVAC overhead line. The project will include the expansion of existing substations in Maputo and Matambo, the construction of up to five new substations along the 400kV line, new access roads and the upgrade of existing roads to support the construction and ongoing maintenance and operation of the overhead lines.

Mott MacDonald’s team is partnered with a local consultancy SCDS to carry out a full ESIA study as well as produce a resettlement policy framework to support economic and physical resettlement requirements. Some of the potential impacts that will be considered in the ESIA include temporary and permanent land take, habitat loss and induced development.

The team is in the midst of developing environmental and social management and monitoring plans to support ongoing implementation of environmental and social management measures through the construction and operation phases.

Mott MacDonald’s project director, Gordon Clamp, said, “We are delighted to be appointed with SCDS for the delivery of this important project for EDM and Mozambique. Mott MacDonald has a wealth of experience in carrying out assessments for important projects all over the world. We look forward to demonstrating our world class skills for this project.”

Mott MacDonald is beginning the detailed assessment phase.