
In 2002 Semco Maritime has entered into a contract with Bladt Industries A/S on the establishment of a transformer platform for the Rødsand Wind Farm for SEAS Distribution A.m.b.A.

The project comprises establishment of a wind farm located in the Baltic in Denmark, approx. 8 km south of Nysted on the island of Lolland in the low-water area of Rødsand.

In connection with the wind farm a transformer platform is erected immediately north of the wind turbines. The platform must carry a transformer and a series of other service facilities for the wind turbines.

The transformer platform is a 4-level, partly closed steel structure with decks and closed rooms. The structure dimensions are approx. h x w x l_ 16x13x23m. The weight is approx. 600 t inclusive of equipment.

The platform is divided into a high current area (transformer, distribution frame, and main breakers (GIS) and area for the remaining facilities. These facilities comprise emergency generator, batteries, storage etc, and turbine control panels.

The steel construction is mounted on a foundation delivered and mounted by another contractor.

The wind turbines will be placed in 8 rows with 9 turbines in every row in a rhomb-shaped field.

Produced current from each row of turbines (turbine radial) is lead via submarine cable (33 kV) to the transformer platform. From the platform the current is lead onshore via submarine cable (132 Kv) and further to the switching station Radsted near Sakskøbing.

A dedicated vessel services both 72 wind turbines and the transformer platform. To limit the stay on turbines and platform to actual service and repair work, the vessel is equipped with the necessary facilities. The vessel calls at wind turbines and transformer platform, but is not moored. The vessel will stay in the area during manning of turbines and platform. In case of major tasks, a barge may be anchored or a rig may be erected by the turbines and platform.