
ATG has become the first glove company to achieve the Skin Health Alliance (SHA) dermatological accreditation.

Glove cleanliness is something ATG takes very seriously. Committed to the environment, employee and consumer safety, ATG has invested a significant amount of time, money and resources to ensure all aspects of their supply chain operates to best practices, latest standards and / or newest regulations.

Examples, which formed part of the SHA submission, include the compliance to the new European Community Regulation on chemicals and their safe use within all their factories (REACH — EC 1907/2006) and the Oeko-Tex (confidence in textiles) accreditation.

Speaking of the newly awarded SHA accreditation, director of Global Marketing, David Staniforth explained: "ATG is thrilled to have been awarded the Skin Health Alliance dermatological accreditation. Our product quality, comfort and industry leading performance has become well known and commonly accepted worldwide. The Skin Health Alliance seal will give, for the first time in safety industry, professional glove users the confidence that they our full range of gloves is "dermatologically safe" and the science and research behind them is robust."

For further information about the ATG range of skin safe gloves please visit the company’s or contact Laetitia De Nys by email ( or visit the Skin Health Alliance’s website.