
BMP (Best Management Practices) recommends "self contained, independent, reliable 2-way external communications" to be used in Secure Locations / Citadels onboard vessels transiting the High Risk Area.

ISS has developed a standalone Communications Unit for crews to use from the confines of a Secure Location / Citadel during a boarding or hijack situation.

The fully functional Communications Unit contains:

  • GPS Plotter for emergency navigation
  • VHF radio for ship-to-ship communications
  • A Satellite Phone for secure worldwide communications

The Simrad NS12 is a high quality GPS Plotter – 12 inch display with:

  • Built-in GPS
  • Touch Sensitive Technology
  • Micro SD Charts
  • Rotary Controller
  • IPX7 Waterproofing
  • User-definable Screens
  • High-Speed Connectivity

The Simrad RS10 VHF Marine Radio is a dependable and versatile DSC VHF radio offering a wide range of functions. There are two Satellite Phone options: Thuraya XT or Iridium 9555 system. Power supply comes with options for 12/24 v battery operating systems or with main 120/240 v mains supply. Each box complete with its own fused integrated power management supply.

All components are fully CE approved.

Our portable, standalone, Communications Unit is designed to comply with the requirements as laid down by industry best management practice for a Secure Location / Citadel communications solution.