
Germany-based offshore accommodation specialist ELA Container Offshore is pleased to announce that it will be holding a conference to share ideas relating to the ’Energiewende’ as part of a collaboration with the company’s US-based subsidiary and the German American Chamber of Commerce of the Southern US (GACC).

The event will cover the topic ‘Wind Energy – How to power the future’ and will be held on 27 February 2018 at the Texas A&M in Galveston.

Texas and Lower Saxony are the leading wind energy states in the US and in Germany respectively.

Whilst Lower Saxony is planning to expand its offshore wind capacity from around 2,000MW to 15,000MW by 2030, in the US projects along the East Coast dominate the offshore wind energy sector.

However, there is potential in Texas as well, and already in 2005 the Texas Legislature enacted a law requiring Texas to increase the use of renewable energy.

In order to bring together the German and American wind energy sector, and to exchange knowledge, ideas and experiences, this event has been initiated.

In addition to other speakers, ELA Container Offshore managing director Hans Gatzemeier will give a talk regarding ‘Service on Demand – Perspectives of a Service Provider’ to share his experiences working in the offshore wind industry.

wind energy conference
For more information about the conference or ELA Container Offshore, please contact the company via the enquiries form on this page.