new business development managers

ELA Container Offshore is pleased to announce the addition of three new employees to aid the expansion of the company’s international activities.

Since its founding in August 2014, the company now counts 15 employees.

ELA managing director Hans Gatzemeier said: "Next to our sales representative in the Netherlands and Belgium, we decided to expand our activities within Northern Europe and the Middle East".

Within the first six months, the new employees will complete a training programme at the headquarters in Haren, Germany, to learn everything about the offshore container business, from production and transportation up to assembly and customer service.

According to Gatzemeier, these basics are essential for explaining and highlighting the different types of ELA Offshore containers and its benefits to potential clients.

ELA Container Offshore’s new business development manager for Northern Europe Niels Albers explains: "Working in a ‘blue-collar’ production line helps to get familiar with the container and its structure by heart.

"This training gives me great insights that I will need for my future tasks."

The Middle East region will also now be served by a business development manager; Seif El Guindy recently joined the team and is doing his traineeship in Germany right now: "For me, this new job is a very exciting opportunity and challenge.

"I arrived from Egypt last week and already fell in love with Germany."

The ELA group already has a subsidiary in Dubai, and Seif El Guindy will join the local team to expand offshore business within that region.

For more information, please contact ELA Container Offshore via the enquiries form.