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Kanda is an IT and data consultancy company that specialises in the provision of cutting-edge virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), digital transformation and data maintenance solutions for customers worldwide.

Our catalogue of innovative products includes next-generation VR training tools, AR workflow optimisation systems and 3D modelling technologies.

In addition, our practical data maintenance and structuring applications have been specially developed to optimise operational efficiency across a wide range of platforms.

Scalable virtual reality (VR) training technology for offshore operators

Kanda’s ground-breaking VR technologies are able to enhance and improve clients’ offshore training programmes by providing an immersive, interactive learning experience.

Kanda provides an extensive portfolio of next-generation virtual reality (VR) training systems that can be configured to model any offshore environment on a full 1:1 scale.
Our cutting-edge augmented reality (AR) eyeglasses provide key assistance during marine maintenance operations, while possessing hands-free operational capabilities for maximum efficiency and ease-of-use.
Kanda’s scalable VR solutions create highly realistic models of offshore environments such as wind turbines in order to allow personnel to develop competencies in a range of areas, including maintenance, equipment testing and installation works.
Kanda’s team of industry specialists are dedicated to providing clients with a quick and professional design service, and can provide unique prototype VR / AR systems within two weeks.
Our smart VR technologies gather important information during the training process in order to offer personnel valuable feedback and facilitate an effective, highly personalised learning experience.
The company’s industry-leading platforms can be used to support a broad range of offshore training needs, ranging from individual competency development to larger-scale, team-based exercises.

Our scalable systems can be used to create any desired setup on a complete 1:1 scale to facilitate training for installation, maintenance and equipment testing activities in a realistic virtual environment.

Kanda’s versatile and accessible VR platforms have been developed for a variety of applications, including wind turbine operations. These platforms have proven to be cost-effective and reliable solutions that are capable of addressing a wide range of operational requirements within the offshore industry.

Our smart and realistic environments can be used for individual competency building programmes, as well as cooperative training exercises for multiple personnel depending on clients’ needs.

Smart VR training solutions for the oil and gas industry

Kanda’s VR solutions are designed to allow personnel to develop operational competencies and learn to navigate the possible dangers of offshore working environments in a safe and user-friendly manner.

The virtual environment can be reset to any state when required, enabling users to perform difficult activities as many times as necessary without having to repeatedly complete earlier, easier stages. This allows staff to avoid needlessly arduous training sessions and focus on the most important skills with significant time savings.

Our advanced systems collect key data throughout the training session, mapping movement, effectiveness and work order to provide detailed, personalised feedback for the worker. This creates a thorough learning experience, while providing instructors with valuable insight for tweaking future sessions.

Augmented reality (AR) glasses for offshore maintenance applications

The recent advancements in AR technology offer a variety of benefits for the offshore industry. Users can efficiently map tasks and create a detailed overview of maintenance requirements to improve workflows and operational efficiency.

Kanda’s innovative applications for AR glasses incorporate this new technology to optimise on-site service and maintenance by providing a simple, complete display of tasks, which are mapped to fit the user’s environment in real-time.

Using AR glasses allows hands-free operation, enabling workers to complete required maintenance works without restriction, while simultaneously offering supporting guidance information via the AR application.

These advanced systems are able to gather performance data during the task and provide feedback in a manner similar to our VR solutions, which operators can then use to optimise their maintenance procedures and process performance.

About Kanda

Kanda is an industry leader in the development and supply of pioneering VR and AR systems for the global offshore and industrial sectors.

Our team of dedicated and highly experienced programmers, designers and data specialists possess in-depth knowledge of a number of different fields and competencies. Our experience ensures we understand the requirements and challenges of customers’ own industries, while enabling us to deliver complete, cost-effective solution to meet clients’ project specifications.

Kanda is committed to working quickly and systematically on every project and is able to develop prototype VR / AR solutions in accordance with clients’ individual operational requirements with lead-times of just two weeks.

We are committed to precision, efficiency and agility throughout the design process, while ensuring customers are kept informed about the progress of their system at all stages of development.