
KBC (a Yokogawa company) has pledged to transform its approach to doing business by placing equal importance on people, the environment and profits in order to help sustainability, which is essential to everyone.

According to the company, the earth is being developed at a rate and in a way which poses a threat to the future. It said that it is worried about the world in which the future generations will be expected to live and thrive.

The company will implement Yokogawa’s 2050 goals of achieving net-zero emissions, improving the wellbeing of all, a circular economy and working towards United Nations sustainable development goals. It is joining industry leaders to drive meaningful change.

KBC CEO Andy Howell said: “Everyone has a role to play in delivering a better future for the next generation. Choice, not chance, determines destiny in what we do ourselves and what we expect of others, either as individual contributors, leading teams or leading organizations.”

KBC Global HR director Suzanne Scott said: “Being part of something can’t be passive; it requires actions executed with excellence. This is because excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort and intelligent execution. It represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”

This pledge reinforces the impact KBC is making with its digitalisation technologies, practices and people.