Talisman Energy Inc. is a global upstream oil and gas company, headquartered in Canada. Talisman has three main operating areas: the Americas (North America and Colombia), south-east Asia and the North Sea, with an active exploration programme across all three.
Talisman is committed to conducting business safely, in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, and is included in the Dow Jones Sustainability (North America) Index.
Oxifree UK were invited to demonstrate the anti corrosion properties of Oxifree TM198 coating with the potential to become an approved supplier of Talisman Energy initially for North Sea (UKCS) assets.
Oxifree UK were requested to visit the Piper Bravo platform to perform live component trials of Oxifree TM198 coatings with all items protected placed on the north-east part of the structure where aggressive corrosion was typically most relevant.
Simultaneously, a further trial was commissioned at Talisman’s onshore fabrication contractor so that shore based support personnel could assess the coating with easier access. Oxifree UK also agreed to complete an extensive range of additional testing to prove the qualities of Oxifree TM198 in a fire scenario.
The live trials carried on the Piper Bravo platform and onshore, were forecast to track encapsulated flanges and associated items over a period of 12 months. The encapsulated flanges and other items that were left exposed on the north-east corner of the platform ensuring the harshest of exposure, have shown no sign of degradation.
Equally, onshore trials were successful and continue to be ran demonstrating the effectiveness of Oxifree TM198 in comparison with traditional coating methods.
The outcome of this customer led trial, durability test and corrosion prevention capabilities of Oxifree TM198, within standard offshore environmental conditions for a full year term, has culminated in arrangements currently being made for the engagement of an Oxifree project team initially for the Piper Bravo platform.
The scope includes the option to train specified chosen fabric maintenance company staff to apply Oxifree throughout Talisman assets within the North Sea. On the back of the test and trial, Oxifree UK has completed vendor approval with Talisman.
Oxifree TM198 is currently being ‘written into spec’ by Talisman integrity assurance and fabric maintenance personnel.
For more information, please contact Oxifree.