
Portland, ME, October 2, 2006: In an effort to assist the US Coast Guard in their enforcement efforts, Naval Automation Group (NAG) and Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments (TDHI) conducted a daylong training session with eleven Port State Control Officers in Portland, ME. Officers and the Senior Marine Inspector where trained in the use of there recently purchased TD-500D handheld oil in water detection equipment.

The training included presentations by NAG Business Director Steve Ketchum on the capabilities of marine oily water separators with in-depth discussion regarding IMO 60 & 107 regulations. This was followed by a class and lab event for the Port Control Officers conducted by Dr. Mark Fletcher of TDHI. The Officers were afforded the opportunity to run field samples and become familiar with the TD 500D. In discussions with Mr. Charles Kipouras, Senior Marine Inspector he stated, "the training and TD 500D provides the enforcement unit with another tool." The TD 500D hand held unit is used to test the output of Oily Water Separators & Overboard discharges and can detect levels down to the parts per billion range.

The TD 500D is available to ships and ship owner/operators through NAG. These units are easy to operate and can quickly tell the crew or owner/operator if their ship complies with the law. NAG will also conduct onsite testing and evaluation of installed oily water separators.