
The TD-4100 XD continuous online Oil in Water Monitor and their new Handheld TD-500 Oil in Water Meter will be displayed by Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments, Inc. at the Offshore Europe Oil & Gas Exhibition. Please visit Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments, Inc. at stand # 1443, Offshore Europe Oil & Gas Exhibition (September 2-5, 2003) Aberdeen Scotland. Gary Bartman from Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments, Inc. will be accompanied by Andy Hinton-Lever and Chris Bristow from Process Measurement & Analysis UK, exclusive sales and service agent for Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments, Inc. in UK and Northern Ireland.

Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments, Inc. is the industry leader in oil in water monitoring applications, providing solutions to oil in water monitoring needs of the oil industry through their family of products ranging from continuous online oil in water monitor TD-4100 XD to bench top, portable TD-500 oil content meter.