
The j5 Operations Management Platform offers multiple Operations and Process Safety
applications in one evolving j5 Framework. The unique j5 IndustraForm® Templates concept allows companies to consolidate all their paper and electronic forms into a single enterprise system. It also provides a clear and simple approach to
adding and modifying forms to meet specific customer requirements in a spreadsheet-like configuration environment, making the digital transformation step easier.

j5 Applications and j5 IndustraForm Templates can be easily connected to other important industrial hardware and software such as Data Historians, the CMMS, the DCS, EAM systems, the PLC, and SCADA systems. New in j5 2019, there is integration with other Hexagon solutions like SDx® and SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner Operators (SPO) allowing customers to now incorporate real-time situational awareness of facility operations into their digital twin, adding unique and continuous value to industrial sites from engineering through to operations.

j5 2019 has again brought many improvements to j5 Mobility, including allowing users to now collaborate on the same j5 IndustraForm Templates being used in the Control Room. Personnel no longer must find the correct j5 IndustraForm Template on the j5 Mobility application, it will now be presented to them automatically in relation to their Operational Area, Role, and Date / Time windows. These can also be accessed in plant areas with no connectivity.

For more applications of j5 2019, download the brochure.