Koseq Compact 502

Koseq is enthusiastic about the interest the participants showed on its demo day, where the Compact 502 containerised all-in-one oil recovery solution was introduced in cooperation with Rijkswaterstaat.


Koseq took this opportunity to interact with the interested parties. First of all, a presentation by Tom Achterberg, head of Koseq engineering, informed the audience about the workings, possibilities and advantages of the patented Compact 502. Questions were asked and answered during and after the presentation about the Compact 502 in the Delta Hotel, Vlaardingen.

Compact 502 live

In Rozenburg, the Compact 502 awaited us and the ‘Rotterdam’ was mobilised for the ‘live’ demo. After hoisting aboard the Compact 502 all-in-one, the rigid sweeping arm was lowered into the water by the Compact 502 incorporated crane with special winch, power pack and a one-man operator console. Operations started within 30min and the ship navigated back and forth a few times to enable the view from every angle. Actions were captured by a film crew for Koseq in order to inform those interested in the Compact 502.

You made Koseq Compact 502 Demo Day a success

We would like to extend a big thank you to everyone to make it out to our demo day.

For more information, please contact Koseq.