
Offshore Weather Services has been running nested mesoscale atmospheric models over the Gulf of Thailand to enhance their weather forecasting services for clients in that region.

Offshore Weather Services, with its long experience of weather prediction in the Gulf of Thailand, knows how variable the wind can be in the region. The mesoscale atmospheric model with spatial resolution of 12km, will assist in the prediction of the winds and waves affecting their clients.

More importantly, the mesoscale models will be used to assist in the prediction of squalls, the single most dangerous and severe weather event to affect clients in the Gulf of Thailand apart from tropical cyclones.

The models will assist OWS weather forecasters to determine the severity, timing and the spatial movement of the squalls as they develop and move across the Gulf of Thailand for up to 36hr ahead.

Offshore Weather Services also intends to set up and run this model in additional areas to improve forecast capabilities and respond to specific client needs for critical operations.