prelude flng

Perth-based telecommunications company Walker Newman and Associates Pty (WNA) is pleased to announce it has been contracted by Shell to provide various telecommunications maintenance services for the Prelude floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) platform.

WNA technicians will be integrated in to the Shell maintenance team.

This contract follows a separate contract awarded to WNA to prepare maintenance work instructions for the telecommunications equipment / systems on the facility.

WNA managing director Rick Newman said: "It has been a real pleasure working with the Shell team on the maintenance work instructions.

"We are ecstatic to have been selected by Shell to be a part of their maintenance team and are looking forward to working closely with them to deliver the reliability and performance of the communications systems which Shell reasonably expects from this iconic facility."

WNA has been heavily involved in a number of oil and gas projects in Western Australia / Northern Territory over the past few years.

With these projects either producing or coming in to operation over the next 12-18 months, WNA is actively looking to increase its involvement in maintenance support activities, as well as greenfield and brownfield projects across the globe.

The contract with Shell follows on from contracts the company has secured with Woodside and UPS in the past three years for offshore maintenance services.

Please contact WNA via the enquiries form for more information.